In light of the devastating mass killings we have witnessed in the past decades, one potential solution that has been widely discussed is the banning of the purchase of assault weapons. Do you think that the purchase of assault weapons should be banned ? Let’s talk about it…
Alex H. Coy III: “Assault style weapons have no place in the hands of civilians. Pistols are made specifically for killing people; they should be regulated and people who buy them should be required to have licenses, proof of good mental health and be required to have liability insurance just like for car owners. We should tax guns and bullets very heavily for the harm they cause in this country.”
Gene A. Gomez: “I absolutely agree.”
Mario Gutierrez: “My Dad always said, ‘If guns were to be outlawed then only outlaws will have guns’.”
Charles Edward Rodriguez: “Not in this time and age ,especially with the republicans and their fear mongering these days. This past Saturday the world witnessed a young republican try to assassinate his own president elect.”
John Saint John: “Here is the fact…No weapons harm anyone…People harm people…This is the only Fact…”
Richard Cortez: “In my opinion, we should be able to have more weapons including the ones you pointed out. Especially now that all the millions of people that surged the borders we may be in need of those types to protect our families and grandparents and friends against our enemies that have surely crossed in the last 4 years. They are here if you want to believe it or not.”
Adolph T. Cervantes Jr.: “Yes. They are only meant for war. You only need one bullet to bring your game down in hunting.”
Brandon Partain: “Assault weapons have been banned from production for civilian use since May 19th 1986. The weapons y’all want to ban are not assault weapons. They are hunting rifles, commercially available since at least 1903. They have been hunting rifles and farm guns for well over a century.”
Cindy LeBlanc: “I will never forget the day of the shooting. As a vice principal, I watched numerous parents come into school that day to dismiss their children and take them home.
To this day, I think about children on the playground and near windows. Safety measures have been put in place…but not enough! And, there is no good reason in todays’ world to own an assault weapon.”
Gia Piero: “Illegal immigration is a threat to Americans. Americans have the right to bear arms. Let’s not disarm Americans!”
Scott Haines: “What part of ‘shall not be infringed’ do people not understand?”
Tony Garcia: “You can’t have one without the other. It’s greed, not guns. Guns will never go away. These last two shootings the guns were bought using a background check. We need more assault weapons in our communities to deter and defend. Where seconds count, you can’t bs around as we saw in Uvalde.”
Otilia Martinez: “ There’s more than 10 million AR15s in the USA. Last night, I read about 20 million AR15s; possibly more.”
Sam Izdat: “The primary function of the second amendment is to ensure that Americans always have access to firearms suitable for modern combat.”
Mark Crist: “Can’t ban assault weapons. Unconstitutional.”
Gun Violence Prevention Center of Utah: “We had an Assault Weapons ban in the past, and it was not ruled to be unconstitutional. It was also very successful at deterring mass shootings. Are you OK with guns being the #1 killer of children in our country?”
Zach Sims: “Could you possibly explain what makes “assault weapons” so dangerous that they warrant being banned? Just about every reason I see is easily refuted propaganda, just like “weapons of war.” Speaking of which, the military doesn’t use any of the rifles covered by the ban. Never has. A 100 year old SMLE is more of a “weapon of war” than any AR15.”
Roberta Holcomb: “What a joke “weapons of war” nonsense…seriously perverting the truth.”
Stephanie Lyn: “How do you expect people to protect themselves from criminals? Democrats protect criminals.”
Gregory Russell: “These attacks on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding U.S. CITIZENS MUST STOP. If the Supreme Court won`t stop it, We the People will have to.”
Gerald O Heller: “The only action we ever get from Congress is to offer prayers for the families and occasionally lower the flag half staff.”
Zach Sims: “Again, what makes “assault weapons” so dangerous that they warrant being banned?”
Brandon Partain: “We did that already….four decades ago. See the 1986 firearm owner’s protection act.”
Evan Ashby: “Here is the truth about the 1994 “ban”. The only items that were banned were cosmetic parts like flash hiders and bayonet lugs. The guns the firearms ignorant call “assault weapons” were still sold. Crime was already decreasing before the “ban” and continued decreasing during it. The government actually admits the “ban” had no meaningful effect on crime. And btw, the Columbine massacre happened during the ban.”
My question is; Why do civilians need assault weapons? Assault weapons are designed to kill people and only to kill people!
Unfortunately people in Texas have the mentality that having guns makes them better and safer people!
In my 72 years I have never resorted to using firearms in order to settle a dispute. I’m old school, I use my fists and my feet to fight.