The Eureka! Program is a five year commitment and integrates summer and school year experiences. Girls Inc. of San Antonio connects girls to the program at an early age and supports them all the way through high school graduation. In her first summer, your daughter will explore STEM, sports, and leadership development in a 4-week summer enrichment program, running from July 1-28 (excluding July 4-5). Girls Inc. of San Antonio has partnered with St. Philip’s College to provide your girl with a powerful summer experience. The Science and Math Summer Academy (SAMSA) Enrichment Program will take her through all components of STEM in a hands-on 3-week experience. Daily camp activities include hands-on lessons led by experienced instructors in a lab environment. Projects include the use of a variety of tools, concepts, and technology that enhance girls’ knowledge and expose them to new ideas. During the school year, she will attend monthly learning sessions. By her fourth year of participating, your daughter will be placed in a STEM focused internship that enables her to practice all she has learned. In her final years, she will be supported by Girls Inc. with applying to a college/university and accessing scholarships.
Eureka! funders such as USAA, Boeing, and Bank of America contribute approximately $2,500 per girl per year. Families are expected to contribute a $200 commitment fee each year. The fee can be paid in various ways (i.e. monthly, quarterly, lump sum, etc.). Girls Inc. is seeking girls who will benefit from building stronger relationships with peers and enjoy an intensive learning experience. The only requirement this year is that interested girls be entering 8th grade by Fall 2019. There is space for 30 participants in the Eureka! Program for 2019-2020. Space in the Eureka! Program is limited and not all applicants will be accepted. To be considered for a spot, girls and families must submit an application by April 15, 2019. For more information please contact Heather Aguillon at