After four years of extensive travel and work in Mexico, noted American photographer, Brent Kollock, is publishing Charrería, Mexico’s National Treasure, a new photo book about Mexico’s national sport–the traditional rodeo form of Charrería. It will be released this summer through a crowdfunding campaign. In its strength and beauty, we are introduced to the original cowboys of the Western Hemisphere and their rodeo form played out in every corner of the country. Declared by UNESCO as a part of Mexico’s national patrimony, Kollock takes us behind the scenes and in front of the action for a deep look into the soul of Mexico and a major part of its identity. A dream assignment culminates in this oversized volume of his signature style of photography. Along the way, Kollock has met and encouraged many people in the Charrería world to contribute to this new collection, in their words, to describe the importance of the sport as well as its relationship to the identity of Mexico. From local amateurs to living legends, a cast of men and women contribute their deeply held feelings about this most

Mexican of sports to further elucidate it to those who are perhaps less familiar.

Throughout these written pieces, themes of family, friendship, chivalry, and history permeate their words. In the photos, rendered in timeless black and white, the collaboration between photographer and participant is examined to create a document, both visual and written, that captures the essence and the deeply important aspects of Mexican culture performed so often in this beautiful and vital living history. Using only
vintage Nikon lenses, a richness pervades the photos, not often found in today’s hyper sharp modern optics. Printed with the finest materials in Toluca, Mexico by the famous print house, Offset Santiago, this is one photography book not to be missed. See the latest SubStack post for more info and some page spread samples. Kickstarter campaign is set to start in early August.