Public Feedback Meeting for Alazan Courts Set for August 20 1pm-3pm at Tafolla Middle School
Opportunity Home welcomes Alazan Courts residents and the general public to a community feedback meeting on Saturday, August 20 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Tafolla Middle School cafeteria (1303 W Cesar E. Chavez Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78207). Attendees will have an...
REGRESO A CLASES. A checar los pendientes médicos
Hoy quisiera hablar de algunos elementos importantes en la lista de pendientes antes de entrar a la escuela. 1) CARTILLA DE VACUNACION (VACCINE RECORD) Esto es muy importante, principalmente para quienes empiezan pre-escolar, o es su primer año de escuela, o están...
The Texas Legislative Black Caucus Condemns East Bernard ISD’s Hair Policy
The Texas Legislative Black Caucus (TxLBC) is aware of the situation where high school junior, Dyree Williams, was not allowed to enroll into East Bernard High School in East Bernard, TX, because his braided hair did not comply with the school district's dress code...
Votar por el Referéndum de Bonos de $125 Millones de Harlandale ISD Por Mariana Veraza
El referéndum de bonos de $125 millones de Harlandale ISD se enfoca en dos objetivos principales: brindar a la comunidad la oportunidad de votar sobre las necesidades de capital a largo plazo del distrito y al mismo tiempo hacer lo correcto para los contribuyentes al...
San Antonio’s People’s Law School Opens Virtual Law Classroom To The Public
For nearly three decades, the St. Mary’s University School of Law has invited the community into the classroom to learn from legal experts in San Antonio firsthand through the annual People’s Law School event. The joint program by the St. Mary’s University School of...
Inscríbase ahora en el taller virtual en español sobre diabetes a partir del 4 de Marzo
Metro Health's El Programa de Prevención y Control de la Diabetes ofrecerá un taller virtual en español sobre la diabetes de seis semanas a partir del viernes 4 de marzo. Las sesiones se llevarán a cabo de 10 am a 12:30 pm todos los viernes hasta el 15 de abril. Estos...
Estudiantes Universitarios Inscritos Para El Semestre De Primavera Para Disfrutar Del Servicio Ilimitado De Via El Programa U-Pass De Via Ofrece A Los Estudiantes Universitarios, Profesores Y Personal Opciones De Viaje Gratis
A medida que los estudiantes, profesores y personal de los colegios y universidades locales participantes regresan a la instrucción en persona en sus respectivos campus, pueden disfrutar de una gran ventaja para sus horarios de primavera: acceso gratuito e ilimitado...
University of the Incarnate Word Welcomes New Director of Enrollment Management and Outreach School of Professional Studies
La Prensa Texas would like to congratulate the University of the Incarnate Word’s new Director of Enrollment Management and Outreach School of Professional Studies, Bashar Ahmed and his Staff, Teresa Villegas and Aldred Van Raub Jr.
Project Worth Empowers Teens to Develop Self-Worth and Successful Futures
Teen ambassador Joseph Montez has found Project Worth to be well worth his time participating in the program the past five years. “I like meeting other teens and doing community service,” said Montez, a 17-year-old senior at Travis Early College High School. “But my...
Northwest Vista College Receives Community Empowerment Fund Award Facilitate Environmental Undergrad Research
Northwest Vista College recently received an $88,000 award from the Microsoft Community Empowerment Fund to give students the opportunity to earn competitive hourly stipends for environmental field work in the spring 2022 semester. This unique program, dubbed...