The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is deeply saddened to remember and honor the legacy of Ramsey Muñiz, a trailblazer and fierce advocate for the Hispanic community. Muñiz’s contributions to civil rights and social justice have left an indelible mark on our organization and the communities we serve.

Ramsey Muñiz dedicated his life to the fight for equality and justice for all, particularly for Mexican Americans and other marginalized groups. As a charismatic leader and the first Hispanic to run for governor of Texas on the Raza Unida Party ticket in the 1970s, Muñiz inspired countless individuals to engage in political activism and to advocate for their rights.
His passion for social justice and his unwavering commitment to the cause made him a beloved figure within LULAC and beyond. Muñiz’s efforts were instrumental in raising awareness about the systemic issues facing Hispanic communities and in pushing for meaningful change at both the state and national levels.

Muñiz’s legacy is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs. His campaigns for governor were groundbreaking, highlighting issues such as educational equity, economic opportunity, and political representation for Hispanics. Although he faced significant challenges and opposition, Muñiz’s determination never wavered.

His work laid the groundwork for future generations of Hispanic leaders and activists. Today, LULAC continues to build on Muñiz’s vision, advocating for the rights and opportunities of Hispanic Americans in every facet of society.

As we remember Ramsey Muñiz, we also reaffirm our commitment to the values he championed. LULAC remains dedicated to advancing civil rights, promoting educational attainment, and ensuring economic equality for Hispanic Americans. Muñiz’s spirit lives on in our ongoing efforts to create a more just and inclusive society.

Ramsey Muñiz’s journey reminds us that the fight for justice is ongoing and that each of us has the power to make a difference. His courage and dedication continue to inspire us, and we are grateful for the path he paved for future generations.

Rest in peace, Ramsey Muñiz. Your legacy will never be forgotten.

Domingo García – LULAC National President “LULAC has lost a great ally, and Ramsey was a dear friend and mentor for me. He grew up very poor but was rich in his spirit and a deep love of his cultura. We will always remember Ramsey’s constant smile and positive outlook,even when facing the toughest luchas. He never lost hope that justice would set him free all those years he was in prison.Upon his release, I was honored to bring him on as a paralegal because I knew his heart, and he had a great mind. Latino history will include Ramsey entre las grandes voces de nuestra gente, among the great voices of our people.”

Héctor Flores – LULAC Former National President “Ramsey was instrumental in waking the sleeping Mexican American giant to become politically involved andbecame the face of the Raza Unida Party that threatened the political status quo in Texas. He was handsome, athletic,smart, a graduate of Baylor University and a lawyer who personified the American dream achieved on his merit.”

Rosa Rosales – LULAC Former National President “I will remember Ramsey for his ganas and courage as a young man to step up and be the face of a movement when our community needed him. Most people did not expect him to win, but his victory was in making a difference when thousands of votes went to his name and showed we could be a power at the ballot box. Yes, he faced difficulties later in his life, but that will never change the contributions he made for Latinos and Texas history.”

David Contreras, Texas LULAC historian, created a website on Ramsey Muñiz and said, “he was a trailblazer, and to many, an iconic figure.” See the collection of videos highlighting many of Muniz’s historic life moments.

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest Hispanic civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services, and advocacy
address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting the critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit