Dear Ms. Tello, excellent topic for discussion, however, like the old cliche about the weather, “Everyone talks about the weather, but you can’t do anything about it.” Guns are in the fabric of our American culture and the 2nd Amendment is a reflection of masculinity/ machismo. Some think that owning an assault weapon is a reflection on his manhood. Those who have experience combat know and understand that assault weapons like the AR15 are weapons of war. A machine used for killing the enemy! A killing machine should not be in the hands of civilians, period.
Re: Assault weapons ban

In my opinion, voters should demand that progressive representatives in congress bring up an “assault weapons bill.” The “Bill” should include the crime scene photos of the massacres at Sandy Hook Elementary, 14 December 2012 and Robb Elementary, 14 May 2022. Especially, the beneficiaries of the NRA need to see the carnage that an AR15 projectile will do to a child. All should see, first hand, the torn flesh, fecal matter, bloody mass of flesh that once was a living, breathing, smiling and laughing child! Perhaps, and if those legislators have the capacity of empathy and compassion to see their own grandchildren and children in that state of inhumanity, then by some miracle there would be common sense legislation in Texas.
Buen Camino