San Antonio, Texas- Albert Uresti and the Bexar County Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office delivered more toys to needy families today. The Tax Office continued to collect more than taxes this Christmas season. Over 400 hundred toys were collected from employees and Bexar County taxpayers. This is the sixth year in a row that Uresti’s Office has sponsored a toy drive. Basic household living necessities were also purchased for needy families this year with donations.
The primary mission statement of the Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office is to “Help Keep Families In Their Homes,” with an emphasis on helping our Senior Citizens, our Disabled, our Veterans, and ultimately our Children.
“We have been busy this week delivering toys and household items to families going through a difficult time and needing a helping hand. Bringing a little joy to these children with these toys is what Christmas is about. We see this toy drive as a means to extend our mission in a tangible way to the children of our community,” said Albert Uresti.
“Helping people is what the Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office works at every single day. Our employees, together with our citizens, have collected and donated hundreds of toys to different families and organizations, since I took office six years ago,” said Albert Uresti, Bexar County Tax Assessor-Collector.
Albert Uresti and his Office delivered toys today to the Battered Women and Children’s Shelter, St. PJs Children’s Homes, and Seton Homes. Earlier, we had also delivered toys to Pastor David Rodriguez with the People’s House Church, Pastor Jimmy Robles with Last Chance Ministries, Sister Yolanda Tarango of the Visitation House, and a local chapter of L.U.L.A.C.
Santa Claus Overjoyed as the Bexar Tax Assessor

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