We’ve all been there! Come home from work and enter a house of chaos. Kids have homework, the house is a mess, dirty clothes are piling up and dinner needs to be made. On top of that, you brought homework from work that needs to be finished. It feels like a never-ending cycle. Sound familiar? How are you doing it all? We often put self-care on the back burner to continue the demands of our fast-paced lives. But did you know, self-care is crucial for our physical, emotional and mental well-being? So where do you begin?
First, start by knowing your worth! Proper self-care allows you to maintain healthy relationships, confidence, and self-esteem. Your needs should be your #1 priority. Second, practice a good work-life balance. Overworking leads to unnecessary stress which can have a negative impact on your quality of life. Not to mention, stress can lead to other health problems such as; anxiety, depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Learn to set boundaries and don’t overextend yourself. Third, start living your life and not just existing! We only have one life. Yes, we all have responsibilities, but we also have a gift and purpose in this world. So why waste it when we have the choice to have a more meaningful existence?
Finding your purpose and what truly makes you happy will give you a different perspective on life. Get up in the morning with positive intent and gratitude. Tell family and friends you love them. Self-care is not just about your mental health, it’s also about caring for your physical health. Make sure you are eating well, getting proper sleep, and incorporating some type of exercise into your daily routine. Remember, life is short! Laugh more, stop overthinking and learn to say “no” without feeling guilty. For more information on the services provided by TCP Marriage & Family Services, please call our office at (210) 516-2607 or visit our website at www.tcpmfs.org.
The Importance of Self-Care