When we find ourselves in the depths of darkness, we often are lost trying to find our way out. As time goes by, we look back realizing the darkness was simply a shadow, thus proving the existence of light. Hence, where there are shadows, there is light, and if we keep walking the path, we will find the light. Spoken Word Artist and Graphic Designer, Georgie Lee Moreno (pronouns he/they) is a walking testimony of just that. Not only have they found the light through their journey in this life, but Moreno used those shadows to create something fervent to help others through their walks in life; for in pain, there lies beauty.
In San Antonio, Moreno is known for their performance as a Slam Poet and Spoken Word Artist. As a former educator, I have used their poetry in my classroom. Writing about finding your self-worth, oppression of religion, love, and recovery as an addict and how it affects the LGBTQ community are common themes for Moreno. Their works give us insight into a marginalized community, and a chance to learn and grow through their voice, more importantly, giving the LGBTQ youth an understanding that they are not alone. As such, Moreno’s work with fellow Spoken Word Artist, Diamond Mason’s OutWrite Youth Program provides workshops and open mics for LGBTQIA+ youth voices ages 13-19, creating much needed spaces for our young adults to understand that their voice is, indeed, significant, and must be heard.
Moreno also started their own company, as a freelance graphic designer, called GleeGraphics (gleegraphics.com), where they create logos for small businesses, brochures, menus, etc… Their current project, 30 for 30 Challenge for National Poetry Month, consists of 30 poems for 30 days, intertwines elements of graphic design. Ultimately, Moreno’s goal in life is to continue to help build the next generation whether it’s through their work in poetry or graphic design stating, “If you don’t have anyone telling you…YOU are worthy. And if you have to go through the dark places I went through to find that worth, just know, that’s okay too, and that we’re waiting here on the other side to hold your hand.” Keep walking til you find your light, gente.
The Shadows Only Prove the Light: Georgie Lee Moreno

Interview by Natasha Gonzales
Article by Celinda De La Fuente