Erendira Ibarra is a force to be reckoned with both on screen and off. Ibarra’s latest project is none other than THE Matrix. Ibarra plays Lexi, a gun slinging chingona who is not one to believe everything she hears about the Matrix. In real life, the Mexican actress is an activista, feminista y anti-racista according to her Instagram biography. When asked about her feelings regarding Latinos getting big roles more frequently, Ibarra states that “we are finally getting the roles we should have had all along”.
As a fellow Latina, I could not agree more. Not only does Ibarra believe in equal roles for latinos but for equal representation for ALL. “Seeing people on screen that adequately portray the real people in the world” is a necessity in film and television today. People of all races, sexes and backgrounds are now being seen and represented on the screens we are watching and it is nothing short of amazing. For those that are looking forward to the movie, it is set to release worldwide on December 22, 2021. If you would like to check out the interview between her and I, you can catch it on Facebook and Instagram. For all of you readers out there, relish this time of oncoming realness and transparency. So head to your favorite local theater, grab some popcorn, snacks and drinks and enjoy the new Matrix: Resurrection!
Viva la Matrix!