By Yvette Tello
Do you remember when Mexicans crossed our border to feed Americans in need? The Mexican soldiers came on a relief mission to feed tens of thousands of home- less and hungry Americans displaced by Hurricane Ka- trina. Setting up camp at a former Air Force base outside San Antonio, they distributed potable water, medical supplies and 7,000 hot meals a day for the next three weeks. Mexican sailors also assisted with clearing downed branches and other storm debris in Biloxi, Miss., where they posed for photos with President George W. Bush, who thanked them for their help I know there is no question about coming into the US legally but when referring to our southern neighbors, let us remember when we needed them, they volunteered with no hesita- tion and our government, 14 years ago, welcomed them. Do you remember that? Did you even know about it? Let’s talk about it…

Mary Svetlik Watkins:
“It also needs to be men- tioned that the Mexican gov- ernment offered sanctuary to the people coming in the caravans- in some cases granted asylum, job help, and food and shelter in refugee camps.”

Charles Daigle:
“As a lifelong resident of greater New Orleans, I had never seen Hispanics any- where near here before. But they showed up, polite, hap- py, smiling faces who cleared my yard of the 12 huge pine trees that had fallen and did the job with perfection, while the American contractors were hosting us for 3 times the typical rate. Wonderful, hard working people, did I say that already?”

“The Mexican Army was thoroughly professional, ev- ery bit as ours. Thankfully, despite rightwing hate and misinformation, the Mexican Army helped us out.”

“Trump & his racist follow- ers wouldn’t be interested in reading this…and the fol- lowers who do read it imme- diately suggest the Mexican officers threw off their uni- forms to stay here illegally. What evil, pompous fools to think everyone wants to live here. No, in spite of what you hypocrite racists seem to need to believe: Mexicans are not lazy, uneducated, drug dealing, welfare abus- ing illegals.”

Caleb Powers:
“What they won’t tell you …How many of them threw their uniforms away and didn’t return home ! … 25%? “

Leland Bartlett :
”This is wonderful! What bothers me is that it is being used as a slur against what Trump is clearly not saying. We want to have a wonderful relationship with Mexico and anyone that crosses the bor- der; however to repeat what Trump said: The number of illegal immigrants is now posing a harmful nature to our economic stability and our national security. All we are talking about doing, is what every other country does, get a handle on those that come into our country. So, please find something Trump actually did say rather than use these amateurish smear tactics.”

James Temple:
“Yes, there are plenty of hard working Mexicans and some criminals also com- ing over the border, just like Americans or any other nationality, My point is that none of them are being sent by Mexico as Trump stated. They either sneak over the border or overstay their vi- sas.”

“Wow!! That is very, very naive. Trump is talking about treaties like the “Southern Border Program to Improve Passage” between Mexico and Guatemala.”