By: Michelle Idar

Christmas is known as a time, when families and friends unite and celebrate. It’s a time for laughter and making memories. Unfortunately for some, Christmas is a time of deep sadness and loss of hope. Christmas can cause anxiety and intensify common stressors and struggles of everyday life such as: a loss of a loved one, family separation due to divorce, or financial hardships.
During the holidays, some may experience the feeling of defeat. “How do I pay my heat bill and buy presents for my kids” or “Why is this happening to me?” I recently asked someone, “What she was getting their kids for Christmas” and her answer, “Candies and snacks”. She was embarrassed to admit that, “She could not afford anything more”. She greatly appreciated my time. Having someone just listen and not judge her made her feel safe. Christmas time brought her doubt and fear. Fear of disappointing her family which caused her symptoms of depression to escalate. A family member of mine just lost her father and husband within three days of each other this holiday season. A shadow now covers this joyous and happy occasion. This trauma has brought on sadness, grief and the need for someone to lean on.
Depression during the holidays is a common occurrence throughout Texas and the United States. Please understand, you are not alone, and help is available. Knowing your triggers and taking proper steps to prevent stressors that lead to depression is possible with the support of a mental health professional. If you or someone you know is dealing with depression, don’t be ashamed to ask for help. For more information on the services provided by TCP Marriage & Family Services, please call our office at: (210) 516-2607 or visit our website at: