SAN ANTONIO (Nov. 15, 2018) – Two of America’s most fascinating, iconic, colorful and culturally rich cities mark their Tricentennial Culinary Exchange this year. San Antonio and New Orleans are com-memorating their 300th birthdays with a culinary exchange, open to the pub-lic.
San Antonio and New Orleans will each host eveningscommemorating 300 years of rich culinary legacy by sending notable chefs to share the excellence of these top-tier destinations. Long steeped in the rich-ness and flavors of Mexico, Germany, Spain and France, San Antonio and New Orleans are top foodie getaways.
Just last year, San Anto-nio was recognized by the United Nations Education-al, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a Creative City of Gas-tronomy, only the second city in the United States to earn the distinction and the first in Texas.
San Antonio’s partici-pating chefs include Chef Jason Dady (Tre Tratorria at the Museum), Chef Jeff Balfour (Southerleigh), Chef Cariño Cortez (La Fa-milia Cortez Restaurants). New Orelans participating chefs include Chef Will Avelar (Meril), Chef Juan Carlos Gonzales (SoBou) and Chef Michael Gulotta (Maypop/Mopho). Each event will begin with cock-tails at 6 p.m. and a dinner to follow at 7:30 p.m. For more information or to purchase tickets, click here.
“San Antonio and New Orleans each share rich histories, which are brought to life through art, culture and our respective cuisines. These one-time only din-ners will share each other’s local flavors on a national stage and further strengthen our friendly ties with other big cities,” said Assistant City Manager Carlos Con-treras.
Tickets are on sale now for the San Antonio / New Orleans Culinary Exchange events. Three San Antonio chefs serve up their talents in New Orleans November 27, at SoBou, and three New Orleans chefs share their creations in San An-tonio December 3, at Tre Trattoria at the Museum.
The San Antonio event will also provide learning opportunities for local culi-nary students from St. Phil-ips College, the Culinary Institute of America and the Art Institute of San Antonio as they shadow the featured chefs for the evening.
A Tricentennial Culinary Exchange