When our Publisher, Steve Duran decided to downsize and simplify his life by purchasing a motorhome and setting up on a beautiful river bank, the last thing he expected was to lose everything just a few months later.
He spent Sunday salvaging what he could after the Medina River flooded the Medina River RV Park in LaCoste, just outside of Castroville. The flooding destroyed the community, leaving many without a home. The river rose quickly and without a warning early Saturday morning. He watched the river swallow his RV and vehicles. The river rose several feet, leaving the park closed off until Sunday when residents were finally given access to assess the damage.
Duran sifted through his belongings, trying to make sense of the damage after losing nearly everything he owned, including vital medication for his diabetes. He said the community was lucky a neighbor spotted the flooding and rescued his family and neighbors on a jet ski.
The flood left nine families without a home or vehicles. He said his insurance will cover his losses, but adds that some of his neighbors weren’t so lucky.
Three families were completely displaced; an 8 year old boy without clothes for school, cats that belonged to the community drowned in the flood- this was just some of the aftermath.
Steve Duran has asked for help from the San Antonio community, not for himself, but for this community that lost so much. He has set up Go Fund Me page and was able to get the Red Cross to come out and support the families with Visa cards to to buy necessities. If you would like to donate to this community, please go to www.gofundme.com/stevenduranfamily