Category: Just a Thought

Father’s Day

By Steve Walker Today is Father’s Day. It is the day to nationally celebrate and honor all our fathers who are still alive and those who have passed away to include La Prensa Publisher Tino Duran. In my case, my father passed...

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The “Bolillo”

By Steve Walker In 1978-79 the year before I taught at La Memorial High School in Edgewood and wrote for the Westside & Southside Suns for a brief stint, I taught at Pearce Elementary School in Southside ISD. I was a Migrant...

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Annual MLK March

By Steve Walker Tomorrow is the 33rd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. March. This year’s keynote speaker is recognized and nationally known journalist Roland Martin. I look forward to once again making the 2.75 mile trek...

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Higher Education

By Steve Walker (Steve Walker is a Vietnam Veteran and former Justice of the Peace and Journalist) In the past I have been employed as a part-time Adjunct Instructor at the Alamo City College District (ACCD) located in the...

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New Year’s Resolutions

By Steve Walker Now that we are in the swing of things for the New Year, it is time to make New Year’s resolutions. Or do we? How many times throughout the years have we purposed to make resolutions to lose weight, get a new...

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“Feliz Navidad” memories

By Steve Walker Three days ago we once again celebrated “FelizNavidad” that brought back many vivid memories for me of bygone years, opening presents and listening to carollers at our door singing festive tunes. Who could forget...

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Immigration flashback

By Steve Walker (Steve Walker is a Viet Nam Veteran, former Journalist and Justice of the Peace.) November 29th in 2014 I wrote “Just a Thought” about then President Obama making good on his promise to issue an executive order...

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The Census

By Steve Walker (Steve Walker is a Vietnam Veteran, former Journalist and Justice of the Peace ) Census (plural noun) is an official count or “survey” of a population typically recording various details of individuals.The United...

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“Ain’t done yet”

By Steve Walker Welcome to issue #5 of the “Ain’t done yet” series. Previously you have been given an overall view and information on how it flows at Madison Estates on Fredericksburg Road. Having said that, we continue our...

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