Since 1984, the indelible answer to the question “Who you gonna call?” will always be Ghostbusters. Exactly 37 years after the initial installment of the franchise that is synonymous with nostalgia, we welcome this new story which appears to be a love letter to all fans. We accept the new faces we meet throughout the narrative of Ghostbusters Afterlife, and are comforted with a heartwarming delight by those who returned to reprise their roles. Whether it be the family you are born to, or the family you choose, the franchise reminds us of the importance of family all around. It is not surprising that this message continues to reverberate, for older and newer generations alike. Dan Aykroyd has stated himself that his work on Ghostbusters is “the family business,” considering the amount of paranormal research his family has collected over the decades. Now that family legacy is immortalized and continues to live on.
Whether you believe in the paranormal or not, no one can deny the fascination this world has with the supernatural. Interim Publisher of La Prensa Texas, Yvette Tello, was able to discuss such matters with Parapsychologist Christopher Chacon who has traveled the world studying paranormal phenomena. With an extensive background in Parapsychology (a field of study investigating the existence of the paranormal), Chacnon is brought on to consult on cases when these otherworldly situations cannot be explained scientifically.
“We got to use unimaginable types of technology to really study this phenomena, and try to understand them, and granted, a good 70-80% of the cases we encountered had rational explanations…that leaves another 20-30% that, even with that technology and with all those great scientist involved, we still could not explain these phenomena,” he states thinking about the technology used throughout the Ghostbusters franchise.
Though he and those he has worked with have found logical explanations for many of the cases they investigate, he is still befuddled by some, “In the real world, you don’t still know what you’re dealing with. There are so many unknowns, even at the end of the day, after we’ve encountered something, we’re usually left with way more questions,” Chacon adds.
Nowadays, with reality shows following the paranormal for entertainment purposes, more and more people are open to accepting the unexplained. However, “[w]hen someone has a belief, to try to convince them otherwise, all the evidence in the world is not going to do that. It’s going to require their own transition from one set of beliefs to another.”
Whether it’s through entertainment, the media, or real-life experiences, we all encounter the paranormal in some sort of fashion through its influences on this modern world.