Interview by Natasha Gonzales
Article by Celinda De La Fuente

Everyday, our bodies are polluted with toxins from the use of everyday beauty care products without us even realizing it. Elizabeth Cervantes (27), owner of Kavi Cosmetics, promotes natural formulas for a healthier option for us all. Using pure essential oils, which are not diluted in any way, Kavi Cosmetix offers a full array of natural products including but not limited to: hair oils, face masks and exfoliators, and anti-aging serums. Their gel cleanser and face cream will launch in August 2021.

Cervantes, who worked in the spa industry prior to her amazing business ventures, wanted to do anything she possibly could to aid her mother who was suffering hair loss. She then created a formula, and within three weeks, Cervantes’ madre was growing her hair back.

“I felt like, if I can do it for her, why not do it for everybody else?” recalls our young entrepreneur and respected businesswoman.

Cervantes then took a class titled Organic Business 101 from the United Kingdom, where she learned how to formulate natural products as well as a bit of marketing. Thus, Kavi Cosmetix was born, and we are all the better for it.

As someone who has suffered hair loss due to a chronic condition, I can personally attest to the struggles endured. Hair loss can lower confidence when you are already feeling your worst. Cervantes is all too familiar with this battle and works to help build confidence for those in need.

“I’ve reached out to a few people. I like to give free product to somebody that I really feel like, in my heart, I want to give to,” Cervantes states with great pride. She has been known to gift their hair oil to cancer patients without expecting anything in return. Though some may lose their battle with cancer, Cervantes was still able to impact people’s lives positively through her all natural products. One young boy named Andrew, in particular, suffered from hair loss due to leukemia. He wanted to grow a mohawk before going to Disney. With a heart of gold, Cervantes gifted their hair oil to him free of charge. Andrew and his family sent Cervantes pictures of his newly grown mohawk after using Kavi Cosmetix’s hair oil.

“My goal is to definitely impact people in life. Like, I’m a giver. I love to give. What makes me happy is to hear people be happy.” Estamos muy contentos con Elizabeth Cervantes y Kavi Cosmetix.

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