Tuesday, November 13, the Housing Commission to Protect and Preserve Dynamic and Diverse Neighborhoods gathered to be acknowledged for their services and accomplishments.
Director of the newly created Neighborhood and Housing Services Department, Veronica R. Soto said, “This is a conversation many cities fail to have in time. So the fact that you all have been talking at this table for the last 4 years is important for San Antonio, but also for the nation by finding local solutions. The rest of the nation will be looking to us for this work.”
The Mayor’s Task force on Preserving Dynamic and Diverse Neighborhoods convened on July 14 2014 which turned into the San Antonio Housing Commission to Protect and Preserve Dynamic and Diverse Neighborhoods that convened on may 14, 2015.
The task force studied housing trends, examined data and heard from more than 500 San Antonians over the past year. The panel’s report confirmed the city has an affordable housing problem and suggested recommendations for solving it. The redesign of the rezoning signage to provide greater clarity to the public on proposed actions and posting information in spanish was a key achievement of the group.
“San Antonio is the most affordable, vibrant big city in America to raise a family and pursue your future,” the Mayor said in September , “but that economic edge depends on everyone having a place to call home.”
Over the past decade, San Antonio housing prices rose by about five percent while incomes have only increased by about two percent per year.
The following members were recognized on Tuesday: Richard Milk, Gilbert Piette, Rod Radle, Natalie Griffith, Debra Guerrero and Michael Hogan. This commision will sunset when the new housing commission is formed.
In September, the task force recommendations were approved by the city council governance, including creating a coordinated housing system led by a city executive focused exclusively on housing, incentives to spur development of affordable housing units, measures to protect neighborhoods from displacement and to reconstitute the task force.
The complete report can be found at www.sanantonio.gov/HousingTaskForce.
The Housing Commission to Protect and Preserve Dynamic and Diverse Neighborhoods will reconstitute as the San Antonio housing commission and act as a public oversight board to guide the implementation of the task force recommendations and engage the public.
The new commission will consist of 9 members comprised of five at large citizens who are community engaged and 4 executive directors from the San Antonio Housing Authority, VIA transit, San Antonio Housing trust and the Economic development fund.
Citizens can apply on the City of San Antonio Website or call the Neighborhood & Housing Services Department directly at 210-207-6459.
New San Antonio Housing Comission Will Act as Public Oversight Board