The Origins of Mexican and Latino Art in Texas
When the newly appointed first governor of the Province of Tejas, Domingo Teran de los Rios, visited Tejas [Texas] in 1691-1692, he witnessed a remarkable event, a well-organized parade of several thousand Indians marching behind the banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe....
El Nuevo Programa de Pregrado Orientado A Los Jugadores de Videojuegos Debuta en UTSA Este Otoño
Los estudiantes amantes de los videojuegos tendrán la oportunidad de convertir su pasatiempo en una carrera emocionante con la ayuda de un nuevo programa a finales de este año. Un nuevo programa de Diseño de Juegos, que se impartirá en UTSA University College,...
Willie Velasquez: A Champion for Voting Rights and Political Empowerment
Willie Velasquez, a prominent figure in American civil rights history, dedicated his life to fighting for voting rights and political empowerment for the Latino community. Born on May 9, 1944, in Orlando, Florida, Velasquez became a pivotal figure in the struggle for...
La Prensa Space Cadet Digital Interview
Tiffany “Rex” Simpson (Emma Roberts) who has always dreamed of going to space, but her life is not going as planned. Determined to change things, she thinks big and, with the beautifying touch of her best friend Nadine (Poppy Liu), her “rigged” application lands her...
TPWD Completa un Innovador Estudio de Seguimiento de Graves Cerca de Dallas
Biólogos del Departamento de Parques y Vida Silvestre de Texas (TPWD) completaron un estudio innovador que rastreó el movimiento y el comportamiento de la lobina negra en el embalse Toledo Bend y el lago Fork, ubicados al este de Dallas. El objetivo de la iniciativa...
Uresti Reminds Taxpayers Second Half Payment for 2023 Property Taxes Due Monday, July 1st
Bexar County Tax Assessor-Collector Albert Uresti reminds the 70,000 Bexar County Taxpayers on the Half-Payment Plan that the second half of their tax bill must be paid by July 1, 2024. After the July 1st deadline, 13% in penalties and interest will be added to the...
Small Galleries Have a Profound Impact on Latino Artists and the Art Community
Small nonprofit art galleries in San Antonio play an important role in promoting Latino art. The Centro Cultural Aztlan has served the Latino art community for forty-five years and recently added two new galleries to its Northwest side compound. Luminaria, known...
Tommy Calvert County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Commissioner Calvert Represented Bexar County at Historic First White House Juneteenth Celebration
(San Antonio, Texas) Commissioner Tommy Calvert was invited to the White House by President Biden for the first White House Juneteenth Celebration on June 13, 2023. After a battle of the bands competition, Vice President Harris started the evening program by...
Perhaps the most significant turning point in the contemporary recognition of Juneteenth occurred in 2020 in the wake of the death of former Houston resident George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers. That year, immeasurable Juneteenth observations also...
San Antonio Ready to Work Awards University Health with Inaugural Champion Employer Award
University Health is the inaugural recipient of the Ready to Work Champion Employer award for its commitment to providing rewarding career paths to graduates of San Antonio’s education and job placement program. Mayor Ron Nirenberg presented the award to University...