For Immediate Release
July 29, 2020
Contact: Abhi Rahman, (720)299-0654,
Total COVID-19 Deaths Have Surpassed 150,000 Americans
One Texan Died Every Six Minutes Last Week From the Coronavirus
Trump, Abbott, and Patrick Continue to Parade around Midland-Odessa
Austin, TX — As Donald Trump, Greg Abbott, and Texas Republicans parade around in Midland-Odessa, today, more than 150,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus, by far the most in the world. In Texas, it has gotten so bad that last week, it was reported that a Texan dies from the coronavirus every six minutes
Donald Trump and Greg Abbott have failed Texans time and time again. Now, they have essentially given up and surrendered to the coronavirus.
These lives lost are on them.
Texas Democratic Party Communications Director Abhi Rahman issued the following statement:
“As Donald Trump and Greg Abbott continue their high-dollar fundraiser in Midland-Odessa, the 150,000th American died of the coronavirus today. It never had to be this bad. Trump and Abbott continue to fail our families and put politics and raising money over doing their job to stop the spread of this virus.
“In Texas, the coronavirus is now out of control. Every six minutes a Texan died from the disease. Instead of following the advice of doctors and experts, Donald Trump and Greg Abbott tried to discredit them to appease their right-wing lobbyist, donors, and base, even things as simple as wearing a mask. This is emblematic of the modern day Republican Party: putting the pursuit of power over science and logic.
“Our hearts go out to every family who has lost a loved one to this terrible virus. We need a leader with the empathy and experience to beat the coronavirus and put Texas back on track. Texans need Joe Biden to end this crisis and make our families safe again.”
Total COVID-19 Deaths Have Surpassed 150,000 Americans, One Texan Died Every Six Minutes Last Week From the Coronavirus