This week’s debate is​​ a pivotal event that may have shaped the outcome of the upcoming presidential election, now just 55 days away. For the first time, Vice President Kamala Harris and Former President Donald Trump faced off in a debate in Philadelphia. While many believe it didn’t sway their vote, nearly a third said it did influence their decision. What about you—do you think this debate made an impact on voters? Did it change your perspective? What were your thoughts on the debate? Let’s talk about it..

Dawn Yasika Anderson: “We, the American people, deserve better than this. Regardless of who you support it was grossly obvious how lopsided the moderation of this debate was. The media is not in the business to report the truth or facts. They are a BIG reason why this country is as divided as it is. The right questions were not asked, she was not challenged or fact checked at all. The American people got zero answers to anything that truly matters to us”.

Feliz Flores: “Harris didn’t back down to Trump; she did better than him. Trump just made us laugh at people eating cats and dogs. My vote’s on her.”

Yvette Elizabeth: “My vote still stands for Trump.”

Marty Pacheco: “I’ve been independent for many years, and as I’m watching this debate, I am turning towards blue.”

Richard Cortez: “It hasn’t changed my mind. I’m really concerned about the USA with the Democrats in and with this vice president that didn’t win a single vote concerns me the most. They couldn’t brainwash my Dad in a North Korean/Chinese prison camp; I have that trait. No brainwashing me.”

Monica Mendez: “Do votes really matter though? Why even have us vote if they are going to rig it anyway.”

Vijay Naraniwal: “The ability of a person can be judged by his facial expressions, but the worry of defeat was clearly visible on the Vice President’s face, due to which the Vice President was having difficulty in speaking fluently.”

Makeitha Keikei Reid: “If you love the way he lies just say that!”

Ebar: “Yeah! Getting the swifties on board should add a small boost. Irregardless of who anybody thinks won the debate.”

Americans Against Being A Lapdog For Israel: “A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for an authoritarian form of government. All authoritarian regimes have three things in common: 1) No freedom of speech. 2) No freedom of the press. 3) A rubber-stamp legislature that just rubber stamps whatever law the dictator (Trump) wants. Only ignorant fools and the most unintelligent of people would be for such a thing.”

Ihendu Austine: “She refuses to answer questions…. we don’t need a calm president that other countries will look down too…we need a leader she’s not one…”

Phil Sardo: “The government did not convict him. It was a jury of his peers that found him guilty.”

Emmanuel C Israel: “United State democracy is becoming like that of Nigeria if you said the truth Nigeria government put you in jail for saying the truth.”

SteVen Vela: “Nobody says “Probably” if they really were shot with an AR-15 round.
He knows his ear was clipped by teleprompter plastic.”

John Saint John: “Richard Cortez, it is a big fact that she received absolutely zero votes instead she was installed just like Joe. Everyone knows this even those who will not admit this fact-Dems are the ones creating division and destruction. For anyone to still vote blue is absolutely insane by doing so openly admits and supports all of the negativity that that party spreads nothing but lies; everything they accuse of is what they are doing.”

Kenneth Raymond: “My vote is for Trump who will keep our country safe domestically and abroad. He will create more jobs and food affordable again. She has never done any policies that helped us all! She’s also a liar!”

Mary Valadez: “I’m voting for Harris, she has common sense & respect. He doesn’t care about people, only himself. He had 4 yrs & never did any insurance for us. We need health care & it works for all of us. Doctors don’t murder babies. He doesn’t read or listen or care, and doesn’t take responsibility.”

Fireball At Gocsatx: “Overbearing or not having a clue. Color of my jeep for me.”

Lori Kinart: “Again, all about him and his grievances as usual, never about the American people.”

Sheila Kaye Korn: “One thing that set me off was when Trump told her to go to White House and get Biden to sign to get the immigrants out of here and back where they come from. Where is the President who is running the world right now and why is NOTHING being done? Surely everyone can’t be blinded to the rising cost of everything these last 4 years. She ain’t gonna do squat or she would have already. She and Biden have done nothing but sit back and destroy our world. They are corrupt and will continue to destroy us in the long run. I am voting for Trump because I love my family and he is the best candidate to run the United States. She is a joke.”

Deb McFarlane: “Asking from Australia please American people think hard about what he is going to do read Project 2025 and make an informed vote for the country, please this trickles down to other countries as well and has lasting effect.”

Jess Martin: “He is crazy and not fit to run this country. All he does is lie and use scare tactics. The world laughs at us because of him.”

Nan Knight: “He was an unhinged old man babbling ridiculous nonsense. He couldn’t answer the questions that he was asked, he just kept repeating the same old lies. I don’t think he can even tell the difference between his fantasy land and reality anymore.”

Charissa Fanos: “When he talks so admirably about Putin and Kim Son Yun and how he’s jealous about their power and the fact they are in power till they die. He told the Evangelicals not to worry once he’s elected they do not have to vote ever again. This is one of the many reasons he is a threat to democracy.”

Henry Mugoya: “Trump is unfit and always has been. He proved it in office and is only worse now. I’m pretty conservative, but he’s not. He’s the clearer and greater threat to America and American values than the progressive mush that Harris has in her baggage.”