All Photos by Ricardo Romo

The art exhibit Al Otro Lado del Espejo [The Other Side of the Mirror] opened at the Museo de Arte de Queretaro, Mexico on September 20, 2024. The exhibit is organized by San Antonio artists Lionel and Kathy Sosa and Museo de Arte de Querétaro Director Antonio Arelle Barquet.
There are 26 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the United States and only one in Texas. All five San Antonio, Texas missions, including Mission Valero [the Alamo], are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Coahuiltecan [Payaya] Indians built the missions under the supervision of the Franciscan friars from Queretaro, Mexico.
To commemorate that history, the City of San Antonio, the Alamo Colleges Foundation, local philanthropists, and corporations have assembled a groundbreaking art happening. The exhibit opening included San Antonio Latino artists, scholars, photographers, and ceramists. Presentations by poets, historians, art collectors, and museum directors shared experiences and artistic inspirations with their Mexican counterparts.
Coinciding with the grand opening of the exhibit, leaders from both Queretaro and San Antonio signed a
Friendship City agreement, the first step to a future Sister City designation. There will continue to be educational programming and workshops open to the public exploring the cultural linkages between San Antonio and Querétaro.