Representative Mark Pocan has introduced a bill titled the “Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy (ELON MUSK),” aimed at banning special government employees from obtaining federal contracts. This legislation targets Elon Musk, who reportedly receives over $20 billion in contracts from the U.S. government and has gained influence over government spending. Pocan criticized Musk for allegedly exploiting government resources for personal gain and highlighted concerns about conflicts of interest, suggesting that Musk’s actions contribute to the erosion of democracy in favor of oligarchy. He called for immediate passage of the bill to prevent such practices.

Valerie Jonathan: “I truly think Musk wants the downfall of this country because he can never be president or king of it.”

John Shelby: “Elon Musk also sent SpaceX to bring astronauts back home who were stranded on a space station when NASA could not. He is also trying to build affordable housing for the world. He deserves our respect. The American government needs to be held accountable for wasteful spending.”

Hazel Irene Gill Robinson: “I’m hoping that he finds more to stop spending on for no reason and reduce kickbacks.”

Leo Gisi: “Who is going to pass this? Certainly not the spineless Repugs.”

Tamylin E Mason-Dolan: “I don’t have a problem with an audit of where monies go but I would like an independent auditor not affiliated with either party and certainly not one that gets contracts from the government and has donated to a political party. I would also like to have them go through a security clearance and all findings broken down by dollars and cents released directly to the public. I don’t want information released via just word of mouth by any party because they both lie. Just my opinion and perhaps maybe never possible.”

Kara Macer: “That’s great, but they need to stop the lip-service and bills they know won’t pass and start being intentionally obstructionist instead. They can’t stop things, but they can slow them down a lot more than they are.”

Rebecca Davies: “Nice try, but I don’t see it going anywhere with a Republican majority. The totality of the Republicans are too weak to stand up against the unconstitutional actions of the president.”


Kirk Frieh: “Clever name and good publicity for sure, but no GOP takers on this one. They have caved for Trump. The constitution they swore an oath to matters little to them any longer. Dems need to stay afloat and hope that all Trump’s chaos and bad policy decisions turn voters away from GOP candidates in future elections, assuming there are future elections.”

Joan Mahaffey: “It will never happen.Republicans are going to do whatever Trump wants. We might as well wish our free country goodbye.”

Donna Begliutti-Stokes: “Will never pass. They are too afraid of Trump.”

Patrick Mcfadden: “Am I missing something here?  Last I knew Republicans are in charge of everything. Trump was impeached twice. This is a great bill but does not stand a chance in hell of passing.”

Cherith Elliott: “Stop him!! Pass this bill!!”

Christian Taylor: “None of this matters. People need to make it clear to republican congress members and senators that they have lost all their power. Congress and the senate have no power now that musk controls all federal funding. The states have lost their power due to the loss of power in the senate. Musk having the role he has consolidates all the power in the executive. I doubt senators like losing power. The only way to stop this is for democratic states to stop collecting and sending through federal funds until congress and the senate have their power back.”

Gary Krall: “Musk, Trump and Republicans are just laughing at this. It’s all for show with no hope of it passing. The Dems seem to be incapable of focusing on the immediate, which are the cabinet nominations. Trump is very clever, flooding the zone which results in the Dems running around not knowing what to focus on. This is due in my opinion to a complete lack of leadership. Maybe ask McConnell if he wants to change parties or act as a consultant to the Dems. Schumer seems incapable of playing the same game McConnell did when they were in the minority.”

Dennis J Malone: “Flood their offices with phone calls and emails and even snail mail demanding they act on the legislation. Of course they will be reluctant, but they need to be put on record about this lawlessness.”

Laurie McLeod Jess: “Musk has the biggest conflict of interest in known history.”

John Warner: “I can hear it now, ‘there is no money left in social security because the democrats spent it all on woke programs.’ Because of them there’s no money for your pensions. The sad part is they will believe him.”

Lisa Harker Tabenken: “I’m sorry, but this has no chance of passage. The Republicans won’t even let it see the light of day. We’re in a really bad spot here with republican majorities in all of the branches of government.”

Aaron Gifford: “There can’t be this many misinformed people. This can’t be real. Elon Musk is doing a great job of exposing abuse and fraud. I am furious that my tax dollars went to left wing propaganda machines all over the world. The amount of corruption at USAID is sickening.”