Do you agree with the following statement: “That orange greedy bastard openly lusted after his own infant and prepubescent daughters. He is an adjudicated and self professed r*pist. He admitted he looked at teenage girls when he owned the beauty pageant. He was a frequent guest on Epstein’s plane. He was best friends with Epstein. He is a racist, he called for the death of the Central Park five, even after they were cleared. He and his ogre of a father refused to rent to people of color. He called Mexicans ‘rapists and brought drugs and brought crime.’ He wants to place any undocumented immigrant into concentration camps. He is homophobic and transphobic. He wants to hurt the LGBTQ community. He mocked a disabled reporter. He calls women “disgusting fat pigs”. He killed almost 300k people with his mishandling of Covid. He lies and lies and lies. He is a serial cheater. He never pays contractors. He just made billions from his cryptocurrency ponzi scheme. He sells fascist but buys bulls from China. He is clearly demented. He cannot form a coherent sentence. He threatens our allies and praises our enemies, like Putin. He is greedy, lazy, fat, stupid, cruel, petty, arrogant, treasonous, and wants to use the military against American citizens. It was never about the price of eggs. Those who voted for that trash like his cruelty.” Do you agree? Do you like where we are today as a country? Let’s talk about it…

Stephan Artist: “Don’t forget this! He set up a fake charity and stole millions of dollars that was supposed to help children who had cancer. The judge on the case shut down the scam charity and ruled that neither Drumpf nor any of his immediate family could ever serve on the board of a non-profit ever again for the rest of their lives.”

Christy Cragin: “I don’t like Trump either he looks like an adulterated Nazi Jew and he’s going to take us all over and make us be his b**** . I’m mad as hell that they took my tic tock off. I could be really bad about it but I’m not going to say no more. I’m going to be a good child, I don’t understand why he can be president when he broke the law of the USA.”

Melika Carhuff: “I totally agree with this. He is our first convicted president. This disgusts me!”

Shannon Norris: “He just said it: only male and female genders. But he wants to be a unifier in the next breath.”

Dana Stewart Wilson: “Agreed. Putin is calling him Gramps and making fun of him.”

Taya Mackenzie: “This man is literally every bad thing a human being could possibly be and people STILL preferred him to a woman (even though she was qualified and is a million times better than him in every single aspect). I hate it here. I really do.”

Jorge Posada: “I completely agree with this. I hate him. He’s evil and corrupt. He’s a megalomaniac. He’s a moron and dangerous. But the thing that kills me the most is how do people not see this? How did anyone actually vote for him? How did this evil creature win the election?”

Rose Torres: “A truly horrible day. MLK must be rolling in his grave for this is not the dream he had!”

Leontae Jones: “The real Devil. If there were to ever be an antichrist, as it’s called, I believe it’s him. He’s the epitome of hatred, bias, just an all around real plague upon society. He is not without his followers, who I feel some are just as bad, if not worse, because they idolize him. Granted there are some really stupid people in the world, who believe that everything he spouts off is gospel. But to me it’s the ones who are just as hateful, who are just as evil and corrupt. We clearly can’t stop what’s happening. At least I know, I can sleep at night, being fully aware that I didn’t vote for this degenerate. My girlfriend and I decided firmly against so much as watching a moment of today’s events. I find it disgusting also, that today happened on MLK’s day. A day that once stood for freedom and unity. I still feel it odd that Kamala didn’t get in……I 100% think in this case, the election was in fact rigged! So sickeningly. I take solace in knowing that I do have friends, who DO STAND, on the correct side of humanity. I hate the orange criminal. He is an embarrassment.”

Teresa Hare: “I can say I didn’t vote for him the first time or this time. I’m absolutely disgusted.”

Rene Laigo: “Well said. I knew what kind of person he was when he openly mocked the reporter. Well I knew before with the womanizing.I never drank the Kool-Aid”

Barry Taft: “He is the vilest trash. An antichrist.”

Jay B. Lawrence: “So don’t concentrate on what you hate, concentrate on what you love and lessen the noise in your brain. It’s like the law of attraction.”

Revsharon Ross: “My former Trump loving husband said to me tonight that Trump doesn’t get Putin, Trump is an amateur and he will get us all killed.”

Zulie Rodriguez: “I agree with this statement. I am so embarrassed and ashamed to identify with Hispanics. I won’t shed a tear, anymore. Eight years ago; they knew what he did. And they voted for him again. I just pray.”