Yesterday I had dinner at a sushi restaurant. As I arrived, there was a very upset customer. She was yelling loud enough so that everyone in the restaurant could hear her. She was upset because her appetizer arrived after her sushi rolls. She did not want to pay for it because of the inconvenience. The police were called. It was quite the scene. I felt so bad for the manager who was clearly stressed. I waited tables when I was younger. I try my best not to treat wait staff or management badly. Things happen. I’ve been there. At a sushi restaurant, I’m accustomed to getting my order as they make it. There are no complaints from me. Do you think it is your right as a paying customer to express yourself as you see fit when at a restaurant? Should you decide whether you should pay for your meal? Have you had a similar experience? How did you handle it? Let’s talk about it…

Robert Vasquez: “Oh no not a sushi Karen lol! No need to yell or scream at a restaurant.”

Gene A. Gomez: “Like you, I was in the food industry for many many years. Server, bartender, manager. I don’t complain much at all. It can be a tough gig.”

Fernando Tafoya: “If she ate it, where’s the inconvenience?”

Sharada Tholen Sanchez: “If it is something that was that bad, you talk to the manager in a calm manner and explain that you are not pleased with how things occurred but never expect anything to be removed or discounted; just make it known so they can make it a teaching moment for the staff.”

Wendy Schultze Morales: “People are just insane and losing it over nothing nowadays!”

John Michael Martinez: “I’ve had food orders messed up, but that’s no reason to act a fool.”

Carmen Madariags: “It is okay to express dissatisfaction to the owner, manager or even wait staff but rudeness is never in place in public courtesy, politeness and respecting everybody’s dignity should always be the protocol.”

Rick Carter: “Sounds like they had too much Saki!”

Manny Santana Montilla: “Poor behavior, lack of humility and a sense of entitlement. These humans live among us, and it’s not getting better.”

Gloria Vivian: “People are ugly and rude. I think they need a fourth shot!”

Mary Svetlik Watkins: “I’d just eat it. Not worth a scene. We ate out Saturday night. My steak was overcooked. I spent the afternoon campaigning. The server offered a new steak. I refused but told him to let the cook know. If I ate a little over cooked steak, my life wasn’t going to end nor was I going to throw away food.”

Janie Saravia: “No. If you have these problems, be sensible. Why get so upset? This lady clearly has underlying issues. My hubby and I always tip 20% and try to be compassionate with the wait staff and managers.”

Gregorio De La Paz:
“What an ugly person.”

Cecily A. Jones: “I was at La Hacienda on Redland Road the other day for dinner. While I was walking in, I slipped on a slice of lime, went down and rammed right into the corner of another table HARD . I guess the lime fell out of a drink or something. The hostess that was walking me to the table turned around when I wasn’t there anymore and I was the only one that seemed to care. None of the surrounding tables, wait staff or management was bothered. It irritated me a little bit but it wasn’t really anyone’s “fault” per se. I will NEVER comprehend how throwing a huge fit in a public place helps situations.”

Stacie Jo Reyes: “That’s ridiculous. I would just ask them to wrap it up and I’ll take it home for later. That’s a stupid thing to get upset about and the police have better things to do. PLUS…
NEVER be rude to people that handle your food!”

Eddie Davila: “As a manager of a restaurant, I think the appetizer should have been free. Half way and a HUGE apology for that. Don’t be RUDE!! That’s how we live now.”

Lydia Curran: “That was just trouble. That woman must have been mental. I’m sorry there’s no excuse for acting like an idiot over food.”

Penelope Perez: “ This is sad to hear when the modern restaurant experience has been so drastically affected by the pandemic. We all know that dining has changed because there is a shortage of workers who want to be subjected to this kind of treatment and the low wages associated with that type of work. People should treat restaurant workers as if their children were working there”