If you haven’t watched A Million Miles Away on prime yet, I absolutely recommend it! The movie is based on Jose Hernandez, the first migrant farm worker to become an astronaut. Inspired by a passion for space exploration, he overcame challenges, including financial constraints, language barriers and 12 NASA rejections on his journey to achieving his dream of being an astronaut.

The film was directed by Alejandra Màrquez Abella, a prominent and celebrated Mexican filmmaker, leading the charge for a new generation whose work sheds light on stories of resilience and empowerment.

The film felt nostalgic and gave a sense of pride and empowerment as a Latina. It’s a family friendly film that is sure to be enjoyed by all! You can watch it now on Prime Video along with your family and friends and especially during Latinx Heritage Month.

From studio:

Un gusto saludarte. Me emociona mucho contarte que estamos trabajando con Amazon Studios para el próximo gran estreno de A MILLION MILES AWAY, un drama basado en la increíble historia real del astronauta mexicano-estadounidense, José Hernández.

Creada por la aclamada cineasta Alejandra Màrquez Abella, y protagonizada por el talentoso Michael Peña junto a la extraordinaria Rosa Salazar, esta película narra los desafíos y sacrificios que pasó José para convertirse en el primer astronauta de origen agrícola migrante. Desde su lucha por aprender inglés, hasta su inquebrantable determinación de perseguir su sueño de viajar al espacio, superando incluso 11 rechazos de la NASA, José logró formar parte de la tripulación de la misión STS-128, convirtiéndose en un inspirador ejemplo de la perseverancia con el cual muchos inmigrantes se van a identificar.