By Leonard Rodriguez
This column highlights inspiring stories of Latino leaders. For more than 500 years, Latino men and women have positively influenced the face of United States society. Let us celebrate these outstanding hispanics.

Alfonso Arau

A much-in-demand director in Hollywood, Alfonso Arau first broke into the industry when he co-starred in the 1969 classic “The Wild Bunch.”

Arau’s performances range from comical menacing bandito, El Guapo, in the “Three Amigos” to a role in Alejandro Jodorworsky’s ultra-surreal “El Topo.” As a director, he has proven himself even more astonishing.

His classic “Like Water for Chocolate,” became the most successful foreighn-language film of all time and earned him international recognition and 10 Ariel Awards.

His career hit new heights when Hollywood contacted him to direct “A Walk in the Clouds.”