The cover art this week is by Lydia Limas (b. 1960, Chicago, IL), entitled Changing Gears (2012 Gouache on paper 201/2 X 241/2″). This piece comes from the book,
Icons & Symbols of the Borderland: Art from the US-Mexico Crossroads (2020). Author of narrative, Diana Molina writes, “Women are integral to the labor force of the border industry on both sides of the international boundary, yet many earn barely enough to support a family and are sometimes subjected to unsafe and unsanitary working conditions. Maquiladoras prefer to hire young women over older women, since they can work longer hours. The minimum wage is 70.1 pesos per day in
Tijuana or about $0.55 per hour, while most entry-level positions in maquiladoras pay closer to $2 per hour, including bonuses.”
Changing Gears