The Social and Health Research Center (SAHRC) of San Antonio has developed the Bienestar/Neema Coordinated School Health Program, an innovative digitized curriculum designed to engage children. The evidence based program has been recognized by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes for Health (NIH).
SAHRC has partnered with the San Antonio Independent School District and other districts across South Texas to use the healthcare curriculum to control and prevent obesity and related chronic diseases. The curriculum influences children and their families to make changes in their health-related behaviors.
Quest Diagnostics is collaborating with SAHRC to bring the curriculum to schools and communities where it is most needed, first in Texas and then across the United States.
SAHRC engaged Americas Council for the Creative Economy (ACCE), a social purpose driven nonprofit company, to work with youth creators, to convert its entire curriculum for children from a textbook into a digital interactive animation platform, making it more economical for school districts and more compelling and engaging for students.
(Photos By Ramon Chapa Jr.)
City Collaboration to Fight Childhood Hunger and Obesity Exacerbated by COVID-19 in Underserved Communities