Do you think some American Latinos see themselves differently than Latinos from another country? Perhaps that they identify as white? Let’s talk about it…

Rex Waller: “They support Trump for the same reason others support Trump; They think of themselves as being better than the people who would vote for Harris, or any Democrat.”

Kendra Nicole: “She hit the nail on the head. Most Latinos regardless of whether they or their relatives came here legally or illegally do not want to be associated with “these” immigrants and truly believe that Trump and Trumpsters really differentiate between one group of Latinos and others. They fail to realize they want us ALL gone. It baffles my brain beyond explanation!!”

Paula Goldberg: “I think we also need to acknowledge that some white, black, Latino men abhor the notion of a woman in power. People can say Hillary was unlikable as the reason she lost to Trump, but America has an issue with women. Just look at all the disgusting things Trump says about women and it doesn’t matter. Because he says the quiet part out loud. I am hoping women come out and vote in record numbers and some Maga wives do their own quiet talk in the privacy of the voting booth.”

Dwayne Wilson: “Once Trump is elected, let’s see if the white supremacists are going to care about any of that…”

Sue Ellington-Jones: “She nailed it! They get infected with the disease of, ‘Now that I’m here, I’m not like “those others”! And they will demonize people who want what their ancestors wanted. It’s shameful.”

Helen Wilson: “So they think Trump is not referring to them. Well, news flash: He is. Any non Caucasian and especially those with an accent, look out! The racist in America are afraid that the minority will become the majority.”

Diane Zebbs: “Helen Wilson If we would all learn to stick together, we are the majority ! Trump, if elected, will quickly show them that they are one in the same! Don’t understand how he has been able to convince so many people to vote against their own selves.”

Tyrone Henderson: “I say just simply ASK them why they support Trump in this election. We can no more expect them to understand the things we do than they can expect us to understand their choices and behaviors UNLESS we sit down with a number of them and ask them point blank about those things. There’s no mystery, when you know the history.”

Darrick Chatman: “Wow. They’re just voting against their own interest, and for a man who crap all over their heritage and fellow countrymen.”

Clarissa Yates Hill: “People are not doing their homework, it’s sad. If he gets back up there they are going to suffer too.”

Sampson Horton: “Yall all got it twisted..”

Nina Joyce Oliver Turner: “But what about the way Trump treated Puerto Rico when he was President. How can Latinos not bawl and cry when they see people of their heritage treated like that. When Katrina hit and so many blacks didn’t have money to get out, I cried when I saw the videos.”

Tony Summers: “There’s a fair amount of male superiority that goes into it, as well. As with a good portion of the Black community, especially with Black men, Latinas/Latinos believe that men are best suited for leadership and women just aren’t strong enough to do the job and, when given the opportunity, will choose a white man over a man of color.”

Autumn Johnson: “If we are honest, the same thing could be applied to Black Americans AKA African Americans who don’t want Africans taking our jobs and causing Tribal wars at our high schools. It’s no different. Is no different than White Americans who don’t want Ukrainians or Jews coming to the United States and taking labor positions. Eating up our social service budget and receiving housing vouchers that American citizens can’t get. It is no different than Asians from China or Japan who did not score at a level necessary for them to be allowed to continue being educated in their own country whose family brings them to the United States so that they can attend our high schools and universities I receive funding from our taxes and tax dollars. My issue is not closing the borders, my issue is you cannot target one specific group of people….My question is what happened to the middle ground. Why are we so far left and so far right? How do we start having a government that actually reflects a balanced America? How is it that the Constitution of the United States of America and our political justice system is being utilized for the advancement of certain agendas and the persecution of religious freedoms?It will become extremely dangerous if the Democratic Party becomes known as the anti- faith and family…. because there is nothing more important to a large group of Americans than Service Faith and Family.”

Tuseda Graggs: “Sadly those same “assimilated” Latinos gonna FAAFO that Repubs don’t care about their assimilation beliefs. They’ll learn that the racism is real and they won’t be seen as special and assimilated hence General Kelly’s recent revelations about what Dump said about the young lady murdered on active duty in the Army. It’s just sad.”

Keith Theoneandonly: “It’s always the same, black, gay, Latino, whatever, they don’t want to end oppression they want to be the oppressor.”

Walden Mabry: “Yep. I just keep thinking if Hispanics, Haitians and other immigrant groups hadn’t voted for him in 2016. He wouldn’t be around to threaten them with mass deportations today. They got bit by a fat orange snake and grew to like the poison.”

Carl E. Washington: “So in other words, they think they’re White. They identify as a people of color when it comes to culture robbing.”