By Yvette Tello

A great friend called me today. She was telling me to be careful be- cause one of her friends with SAPD told her that crime in San Antonio is at an all-time high. She decided to go pur- chase a gun. She went to Academy. There are no guns on the shelves or ammunition. The employee said it was like the grocery stores; hoarders. Do you think there should have been limits placed on gun purchases per house- hold? Let’s talk about it.

Benjamin Godina: “Nope”

Roy Cruz: “They had limits..people are cra- zy..There has been peo- ple camping for ammo..crazy”

Jerry Leonard: “ Academy is not the only place to buy a weapon. There are better choices for you to buy from. You can get expert ad- vice from people who do it for a living.”

Corina Corina: “No limits. Thanks for the information!”

Yvonne Pena: “To each his own. Sad that life has come to this”

Lila A’Giza: “There has been a shortage since the Corona virus started. Have her go down to nardis. They have stock of guns and give you a box of ammo with purchase”

Elvin Keeney: “Pur- chase a shotgun. Not hard to find. Pages available at Academy’s website”

Joey Santibanez: “Pawn shops sell guns, gun shops all over SA”

Luis Elizondo: “Crazy stuff”

Carolina Rodriguez- Roberts: “Always be prepared!”

Santiago Tello: “No limits”

Monica Monica: “ Crime is actually down by 10%. I’m an SAPD detective with SVU and we are anticipating an increase when things get back to normal”

Ignacio Oliva: “Any limit would be an in- fringement.”

Candace Price: “No, to limits”

Mike Miller: “There is limits on gun purchases and I think better pre- pared before than react- ing later”