Friends coming together to celebrate a Legacy San Antonio! It is with great excitement to introduce to you, “La Prensa Texas”. As our city turns 300 years old and celebrates all the many diverse milestones that have come together over the centuries; La Prensa Texas joins the continual carnival of activities to memorialize the rich heritage and culture of this amazing city with festive published news. The hustle and bustle of this beautiful, tourist alluring city is quite the experience. A host of exciting engagements take place daily from live music during happy hour, folk life and cultural festivals to world renowned theatre productions and countless venues to savor an extraordinary array of culinary delights. But for those of us who call this historic paradisehome, these happenings are our lifestyles. La PrensaTexas is obliged to be directly in the midst of everything that brings this city together in celebration, acknowledgment and enlightenment. Today is the beginning of our launched venture with extensive commitment to YOU! San Antonio is our home, our dream and our destiny. We are out and about, attending events, and gathering for you the most informative reports for your valued interest. We Are New! Our heart is seasoned with intentional efforts to cherish the memory and legacy of a man who loved God and adored people.

Beholding no alignment with the La Prensa that you may have known; La Prensa Texas exists to serve the heart of this city with faithfulness and loyalty. This PRINTED ISSUE is our public invitation to you, serving as our declaration towhat you will expect from us. ❖ La Prensa Texas is a Printed News Edition that is provided to the community free of cost. ❖ La Prensa Texas proudly celebrates our commitment to produce content in English and Español. ❖ La Prensa Texas is Printed and Distributed into the community WEEKLY. ❖ La Prensa Texas is visible on the web, social media and as prominent sponsors to local events. Let’s get you up to date. Several months ago I was asked to consider something that I thought was profoundly amazing. In that same breath I was invited to be a part of something that I considered truly extraordinary. The product that derived from countless phone calls, numerous meetings and hours of collaborations was the forging of this new beginning. As each one of us brings our unique ideas, strengths and talents to this vision we hope that you perceive the earnest display of our hearts as we conserve a legacy.In this I have joined a group of individuals whom I consider to be my friends for life. Each of us has enjoyed our own precious memories and priceless treasures of wisdom from a man who was filled with gratitude and expertise.

Words cannot begin to define the depth of emotion that is felt when a person of great honor and integrity departs from this world. It is difficult at times to participate in meetings in attempt to salute a memory as your heart just wishes to reverse time. But solace does prevail as this group of San Antinomians join together tirelessly; making every effort toward assurance, that this fiery torch will never go dim. As you handle and observe the fruit of our united labor we welcome you to always feel free to call us, email us, and visit us. Wishing you an amazing week, we thank you sincerely for your enduring commitment and unmatched confidence.