Effective June 17, Steve Duran is “El Jefe!” It has a nice ring to it. Having the honor of writing a weekly column every Sunday since 2011 for La Prensa, it is the high light of my week. Being aware that I have a deadline and must magically come up with something for the readership that is interesting/ informative as well as easy to read, I thrive! It challenges my journalistic skills to the max. Fortunately to date I have never missed a deadline. Having experienced Tino Duran as a friend and mentor and an “El Jeffe” has made me a better journalist. I thank him and sorely miss him. When Nina took over as Publisher nothing changed and I was allowed to continue submitting stories. I thank you Nina for being gracious and continued your father’s trust in my abilities. Of course Millie has always been an inspiration to me and I think of her as family. When I first met her in the nineties walking Crossroads Mall with Tino in Balcones Heights where I served at the time on the Council, we had great conversations when we crossed paths since Linda and I shopped there a lot.

The four of us would engage in some conversation until the next time we saw them there. Tino was aware I had written for the Express- News in the 70s and military papers on reserve tours at the Pentagon. Since the Council was soon voting on approving the installation of red light cameras in the city, I agreed to write about it since I was the one who opposed the measure.. Later when I was elected as Pct. 2 Justice of the Peace, Tino offered me a weekly column “Ask the Judge” for nearly two years. When I left the bench he said “write anything you choose since you no longer a Judge.” That is how” Just a Thought” was conceived. People who have never read La Prensa before would ask me all the time what my subject matter was that I wrote about, I would smile and respond,” All things Hispanic.” They would look puzzled and respond” why only Hispanics?” My answer, “What is the name of the paper? (La Prensa!) During the past years Tino’s son Steve has also been supportive of me as well. The feeling is mutual.

I have been able to cover events he has been in charge of and he has done exceptionally well. It was really fun to cover his Pinatas in El Barrio during Fiesta as a photographer. (Lot of multi-tasking) I have covered his events as well as Millie’s La Prensa Foundation and other events. It is exciting to working for the third Publisher who has the same name as the past two Publishers. At least I won’t forget the last name of the Publisher! As Always, I write “Just a Thought.” Steve Walker is a Vietnam Veteran, former Journalist and Justice of the Peace.