I received a call today from an old friend of mine. She called to let me know she and her husband are divorcing after 15 years of marriage. The divorce was a shocker but the reason… I would never have expected; she had fallen in love with her daughter’s best friend who was 18 years old. Something similar happened to another friend of mine a few years ago, apparently this is an acceptable thing nowadays. How do you feel about dating someone significantly younger? Would you date one of your children’s friends? Let’s talk about it…

Kristi Ashley; “Nope, not that young. Not for me. My son is 29 and I haven’t dated anyone less than 38 or so though I consistently get asked out by MUCH younger guys and I have no clue why. I’d like to find someone in my age range (I am 55) , maybe up to 60 or down to 45, tops. I don’t want to deal with young kids (sounds rude, but don’t, maybe grandkids) or ex wife ex girlfriend drama or anything like that.”

Chris Castillo: “First, I would never date a friend of my child. I respect my child and would never put them in that predicament. I do feel an 18 year old is not mature enough. I wouldn’t judge a woman that chooses to do that, as long as it’s not my son.. lol, because men do it all of the time and that’s okay for them, so why not okay for women?”

Raul Arocha: “It’s not right.”

Mary Svetlik Watkins: “I couldn’t do it. I can’t even think about my children’s friends that way.”

Stacie Jo Reyes: “She’s leaving her marriage for this? He will eventually want kids and then leave her. She needs counseling.”

Richard Cortez: ”Well not a good idea, like 30 yrs ago I had a manager who was 30 and her boyfriend was like 19. I’d go to work and she would talk to me about how he didn’t come home and other things, you know all I could say was he’s a kid, can’t even buy alcohol so he’s not done living his young life. I moved on from working at that property and she ended up letting him go, enough was enough.”

Ron Travieso: “Well we know who’s paying for all the dates in that relationship….”

Gene A. Gomez: “1 ) I would Never date my children’s friends. Period. 2 ) If I have children your age then you’re too young for me to date. I respect myself and my children too much to do that.”

Maria E. Garcia: “A few years I would be okay, but I would not be okay with somebody under 40, no even under 50.”

Sylvia Leos Apodaca: “She set herself up for failure. The relationship won’t last. And her relationship with her kids will never be the same.”

Christina Arriaga: “So he was just born when you were 20.I know not you cousin but just think .. his momma was changing his pamper while you were 20 .. never.”

Raul Arocha: “My ex wife did this.”

Jaime Castro: “It’s sad, but that’s the way it is today, cause some women get tired of older men that act childish or immature. Same thing with men when they get tired of older women who still act immature and don’t know what they want and go for a younger girl. I guess if it’s real love and respect and treat each other right, what can we do? Now if they’re under 18 or 15, or under age, that’s another thing. If you’re old enough and it happens, and it’s love, let it be. She went from living in a place that we own, to a one bedroom apartment, no furniture and she took my youngest son and is putting him through something he shouldn’t be going through.”

Lilly Potts: “Nope, I think it would be too weird to date someone my kids age.”

Ernest Sanchez: “He listens to 98.5 and she listens to Kono.”

David Garcia: “The age difference is their business. The thing about dating her own child’s friend is icky, and she’s ignoring how her child feels.”

MrFun David Mendoza:“I did it and it didn’t last.”

RD Gonzales: “That’s a hard no!”

Mary Tamez: “Not me, no thank you. I have kids that age, gross.”

Rick Carter:: “Hmmm…. What’s Dating?”

Constance Stewart: “When I was a teen, I had a stepmom 10 years older than me. My brother was older than her. It was so awkward. I never called her mom, except when young guys were around. Then I’d say this is my mom. She hated it! “Made her feel old.” My dad was over 20 years her senior, so I figured if she didn’t have a problem with that, she shouldn’t care that I called her mom in front of young guys. They didn’t last very long because she didn’t like that he didn’t enjoy the same things that she did. He was always asking me to let her hang out with me and my friends. She ended up giving birth to my younger sister and then giving up custody to my dad in the divorce.”