Your ideal partner may be much younger or much older. Why limit yourself based on age?

When considering a partner, age can be a factor for some, while others may focus on different qualities. Is there a benefit to sticking within a specific age range, or could stepping outside it open new possibilities? What are your thoughts? Share your experiences in the comments! There’s no right or wrong answer. What do you think? Have you found love with someone outside your “ideal” age range? Let’s talk about it…

Gene A. Gomez: “Well not if you’re an adult and he/she is only 6 years over 10.”

Veronica Morales: “Age is just a number. Who cares! Date for compatibility and love.”

Ramon Chapa Jr.: “Age doesn’t matter! I have dated older ladies that act childish and younger ones that are more mature! It’s class that counts! Sometimes even wealthy people have no class!”

Ida Minty: “The love of my life is 13 years younger than myself. For almost 24 years I avoided being in a relationship with him. Three years ago I decided to be serious with him, the best decision I ever made. I am kicking myself for letting the age difference get in the way!! I wish I wouldn’t have wasted so much time.”

Rick Carter: “At my age, a cougar is 80+, that works.”

Raymond Castellano: “I’m a 55 year old single male, the women I’ve dated don’t care about age. They are more interested in the attitude, personality, and financial stability. People need to just live life and stop worrying about what others think. Life is too short, live and let live. I’m available for coffee or drinks.”

Bolster McCannon: “Hey, just totally a number. I don’t even know how old I am most days. I always forget my doctor forgets people forget just be who you want to be at whatever age level you wanna participate at. I don’t lie about my age unless it’s accidentally older because I honestly do not care how chronologically old I am. It makes zero difference. Most men who are now interested in me are at least 10 if not 20 years younger!!!!! I have gotten in my head about that and denied access. But I do not live a life to present myself as most women my age. Sooooo…”

Lee Moreno: “Hey along as you are taken care of and not hurt it’s all that matters!
¡Usted nomás sigue adelante!”

Clarence Khalil Neely: “It’s simple Math. The ideal situation is a Woman being 3 to 7 years younger than the Man.”

Tonya Daniels: “Well at almost 45 I definitely know they are not much younger than me. It has to be about my age or older, and the oldest I will consider is 60, but the most important thing is maturity and decent health. I’m realistic. I know the older you get the more likely you are to have health issues, but how one manages those health issues to keep things in control/balanced definitely matters.”

Sincere Love: “Hmm I’m not giving these youngins the time of day. I already have kids. I’m not trying to raise a man child and I’m not having any more kids so it’s my age or older… But they do look tempting at times.”

Chantelle SwanRubi LeAnn: “I have always liked older people. My first husband was 20 yrs older than me and my current is 6 yrs.”

Tequila Sway: “Mine is older. Not limiting myself.”

Kimberly M Moorer: “I beg to differ. I’ll pass. Can’t be too old or younger.”

Audrey Mann: “Falling in love has 0 to do with anything.”

Darlene Leyba: “True! I married my high school Sweetheart (the same age) and were married 26 years. When the marriage ended I met a man 11 years older. What a find!
I taught him the music and important events of my generation and he taught me the music and events of his. We didn’t feel the difference in age, we just realized we found our soulmate.”

Cassandra Sparkle: “Stage of life is very important to me. I’m past the child raising stage, I enjoy traveling and am interested in a partner who is in the same stage of life. I have met men my age with young kids, just not a matchup fan.”

Lorna Anderson: “Hmm! What does age have to do with anything? I’m in my Fabulous 60’s & he’s in his 50’s. As long as the compatibility is present, & you’re enjoying each other’s company etc.”

LaChanda Quinta’ Triplett: “Nah! I’m almost 53; however, I don’t really want someone 65-66. I’m just not there yet. The oldest I’ll go is 60; the youngest is maybe 45.”

Kaji Walker: “I’ll take a chance limiting myself. I’m 50 and I’m a lil fed up with the early 40s crowd. When I date again I may try my own age or a little older.”

JoAnna Bullock: “Because of health. I’ve seen women partnered with much older men widowed at a relatively young age. No bueno.”

Carol Noah: “I am not finding love with someone I could have birthed or could have birthed me.”

Sharmain Rivers: “Different generations don’t blend well. I’m GenX and I can’t stand Millennials or GenZs. We don’t get along.”