Mental health conditions do not discriminate. However, background and awareness makes it more difficult to access treatment. According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, ethnic minority groups are less likely to access treatment for mental health s y m p – toms. Additionally they are less likely to have access to mental health clinics but more like to use emergency room departments . This can lead to receiving lower quality of care and less like to be educated of the outcome. These outcomes can precipitate severe symptoms resulting in severe depression, anxiety, isolation, and feelings of hopelessness. Unfortunately, this includes suicide. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) indicate that over 70% of black/African American adolescents with a major depressive episode did not receive treatment for their condition and almost 25% of adolescents with a major depressive episode in the last year were Hispanic /Latino.
Additionally, suicide rate for Hispanic girls, grades 9-12, were 50% higher than for Caucasian girls in the same age groups in 2015. There are ways to inquire about your symptoms and start your journey to a living symptom free. The Center for Health Care Services (CHCS) offer evaluations and treatment with medication and psychosocial rehabilitation intervention and case management. Their Intake office number is (210)-261-1250 and their helpline is (800) 316-9241. If you are in a mental health crisis and do not feel like you can present yourself or just need to talk to someone, you can call the CRISIS HOTLINE (210)223-SAFE (7233). Their Crisis Services are located at 601 N. Frio, San Antonio, 748207. If you have Medicaid or Medicare, one of their benefits is behavioral health treatment. You can Inquire by calling the customer By Stephanie Shamaloo service phone number on the back of your identification card. Centro Med offers behavioral health services that include evaluation, counseling and medication intervention. Their appointment line is (210)922-7000. Visit Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to find help and treatment, information on mental health topics and downloadable materials.
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