LatestConsejos prácticos para adultos mayores: cómo cuidar el corazón y disfrutar de una vida más larga y saludable
Por Evan Jacobs, M.D. Vicepresidente Asociado de Especialidades Médicas Febrero es el mes de la...
LatestManuel Arias Júnior Campeón De Bateó En Masters 50+ Potranco
Manuel (Manny) Arias Júnior, jugador estelar de Astros, con promedio de .552 se coronó campeón de...
Let's Talk About It
LatestIs Age Just A Number?
I received a call today from an old friend of mine. She called to let me know she and her husband...
Just a Thought
LatestEl Circo Estadounidense
Artículo Opinión Jesús Antonio Fernández Olmedo ¿ De qué tipo de elecciones estamos hablando ? ¿De...
Outstanding Hispanics
LatestMy Interview with Doña Emma Tenayuca
During the 1990s, I served as Chairman of the Oral History Committee for the Bexar County...
LatestGet Ready for an Unforgettable Night of Fun, Fashion, and Giving Back at Overcomers’ Purse Bingo Event for our Breasts Cancer Community!
Courtesy of Genny Small Overcomers, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting women affected by breast...
Dr. Ricardo Romo

A Latina Who Saved Jobs
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the world economy, but the service industries, food production and sales, as well as hotel businesses that traditionally employ Latinos in significant numbers have been especially hard hit. Blanca Romo Garcia, whose company...

Toyz 4 Tots Con Éxito Recaudo Mil Juguetes En 6o Torneo De Softball
Marty Cavazos, fundador de la organización Toyz 4 Tots, junto con voluntarios en el popular Normoyle Park ubicado en el corazón del sector deportivo South Side, en el sexto torneo Softball Slowpitch, logró reunir 28 equipos en las categorías de 40 a 75 años de edad....
Let’s Talk About It

Parents with Grown Children Who No Longer Speak to You: What Led to the Estrangement?
Parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding roles in life, but what happens when the relationship you worked so hard to nurture dissolves into silence? Many parents of grown children find themselves facing estrangement, often left wondering what went wrong....
Just a Thought

Luis Alonzo Wilmot Obituary & Memorial Service
Luis Alonzo Wilmot 1948 - 2019 June 1, 2019 Luis A. Wilmot died peacefully at home in San Antonio, Texas on June 1, 2019 with his wife Luz Maria Prieto and son Luis Prieto Wilmot at his side surrounded by many longtime friends. Luis was born on September 7, 1948 to...
Outstanding Hispanics

Geraldo Rivera
The most successful Hispanic in the media world today, Geraldo Rivera earned his degree in journalism from Columbia University. His innovative and passionate style of journalism quickly earned him national attention. Among the many investigative reports that launched...

Palo Alto College Offering No-Cost English Second Language (ESL) Classes to Local Community
Courtesy of Adriana Ballast Palo Alto College is excited to announce the return of its free 8-week English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for the local community. In Spring 2025, the college will again offer this valuable opportunity to support personal and...