My mom and grandma talked about it. These hormones are no joke. They affect everything in your life and body. Menopause (and perimenopause!) is what the female body goes through when the level of oestrogen the female body produces gradually (or sometimes dramatically) drops. The oestrogen factory doesn’t close up completely, but it does produce less.This creates an imbalance in the hormones and, thus, the withdrawal symptoms, including hot flushes, mood swings, memory loss, daily aches and pain, loss of sleep, anxiety. The conversation really needs to get started and become normal. We need to share our experiences. Many people don’t understand the impact it can have on relationships and marriages. Menopause can bring a range of symptoms, from hot flashes and night sweats to mood swings, body pain, and even feelings of frustration and depression. It can be a challenging time, not just for those experiencing it but also for their partners. Sadly, many relationships end because one or both partners struggle to navigate this phase of life together. What’s particularly concerning is that many individuals might not even recognize these symptoms as part of menopause, often accepting them as just a part of aging. But the truth is, menopause can start as early as your 30s! It’s crucial to talk about it openly rather than viewing it as something to be ashamed of.Have you or someone you know experienced menopause? How has it affected your life or relationships? What treatments have you found helpful? Let’s break the stigma and let’s talk about it…

Veronica Amaro: “Many of us don’t treat it because “it’s just a part of life”. Well there’s help out there for us!!! I use Hormone Replacement Therapy in the form of pellets. Our hormones change through time and we need to adjust them as needed. Men also go through their own hormone issues, but no one ever talks about it. It’s as simple as going to your doctor and having them order labs to check your hormone levels. We also need to eat healthier and move our bodies more! I’m going to shamelessly plug my doctor in here. Lol.”

Mari Bonilla: “Oh gosh! Menopause is the devil. It’s rough!”

Martha Bosmans: “When does it come? still waiting.”

Timothy Lambert Donovan: “It’s hell for me, man! Wife is always on the rampage.”

Brenda Garcia: “It is so freaking annoying.”

Eve Farr: “I started having hot flashes early, right after my son was born. I was 36. Boy oh boy, my body was on fire. If I could have walked around naked, I would have. LOL. I told my OB I thought I was going through menopause. He said I was too young to be going through menopause;he was wrong. I am 60 and still having hot flashes. All is good. It is not the end of the world.”
Kassie Green: “Getting the brain zaps now. I had no idea this could be a sign of menopause. I have had a lot of symptoms for years now. Women don’t discuss enough about this time we all go through and doctors don’t either. Don’t be embarrassed if you are going through perimenopause or menopause talk about it with the women and men in your life. Most men have no idea what happens to us and why. ALL WOMEN GO THROUGH THIS STAGE IN LIFE. Why not help each other through it? It’s not the end of anything but just the step to the next stage in life. Oh, and some men go through a type of menopause too.”

Tammy Schroeder: “Excuse my language… Menopause sucks!!! How long does this last??”

Emma Pd: “I’m so scared of going through menopause because I can’t take any hormonal treatment of any kind because I’ve had a Pulmonary embolism before so I hope I’m going to be OK.”

Elizabeth Lillo: “I never got the hot flashes, but I did get very dry wrinkled skin and lots of hair loss. Diet may have helped. I have been a vegetarian since my early 20’s.”

Karine Le Mauff: “Thank you ladies for sharing and openly speaking about it. I am experiencing perimenopause as a result of my chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. I guess it’s the price for getting rid of my breast cancer. I am 50 so I was nearly there anyway. It’s something natural, and no woman should feel ashamed.”

Shan Winchester: “It is the first stage of hell.”

Bonnie Rose: “Started perimenopause at 38 years of age. Finally finished menopause at 53. It was not an easy time.”

Forbes Shanett: “I know a lady who didn’t have kids until she started going thru perimenopause. Boom twins and didn’t know she was pregnant until she gave birth. She thought she was in menopause stages.”

Rachel Bremilst: “Just another way that it is hard to be a woman.”

Char Nagy: “It’s stupid is what it is. I’m sorry I ever complained about having my period. Eve, We are gonna have words one day!”