Last week, we received a request for materials from judges in ALASKA wanting to replicate the work we are doing with DV offenders in Bexar County.
ALASKA is not the 1st or only jurisdiction impressed with the work Team 13 is doing. We are also sharing our experiences and materials with Hidalgo County, Webb County, El Paso County, Travis County, Tarrant County, New York and the Tribal-State Judicial Consortium from New Mexico who have all reached out for assistance in setting up their DV programs that address the core of the problem, the issue which if not addressed will result in a growing number of victims and survivors, and the core of the problem is the traumatized and addicted offender/defendant behavior that is assaulting and violent. We know what the problem is, we know how we can start to solve the problem, so let’s get this done Bexar County. REFLEJO COURT is a court of 1st impression but it promises not to be the last.
Local Domestic Violence Advocates Share Efforts with Alaska & More Counties