Every week, I ask for your thoughts on different subjects, sharing your comments and perspectives without judgment in La Prensa Texas. The beauty of this column lies in the diversity of opinions—it’s not about right or wrong answers, but rather about starting meaningful conversations. This week, it is Mother’s Day. In Hispanic culture, mothers are revered as the backbone of the family. They are not only caregivers and nurturers but also pillars of strength, wisdom, and unconditional love. Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate and honor these extraordinary women for their countless sacrifices and unwavering dedication to their families. To all the amazing mothers out there—Feliz Día de la Madre! What does your mother mean to you? How do you honor her on this day?
Let’s talk about it…

Chris Castillo: “My momma has been gone since 2015. My siblings used to say that our tightness wasn’t because of our mom and that even when she’s gone we’ll still be close…nope. She was absolutely the reason we were so close. We’re still close but rarely get together. Although I look like my daddy, I inherited my momma’s patience and kindness. She was funny and loved to frequent yard sales. My Saturdays were for her. I’d pick her up early, not too early because she would say “I need my beauty sleep”, have breakfast and off to whatever yard sales she found in the paper. She would prefer I’d take her because I was patient with her. We’d end our day at Ray’s or Oscar’s. I still have her # on my phone. The first few years were the hardest.. I’d still pick up the phone to call her. I honor her every day of my life. But on mother’s day, I would take her flowers, a cake and a card. I miss her dearly.”

Ralph Tello: “My mother is still my whole world. She is the reason I play today ..though she isn’t with us anymore .. her spirit carries on through us and the generations to come… Love you always… I’ll see you … One fine day.”

Melissa Garza: “I loved and cherished my mother. As you know, she was one of the most kind and generous people in my world. In this world. Love and honor your mother if you still have her with you; as her absence is the largest void you can never fill. Love you, Vett-eh, as Sal so lovingly called you. Happy Mother’s Day to you!”

Sandra Luna Perez: “My mommy has been gone since 2015. I miss her dearly. She was my best friend and we did almost everything together. I lived next door to my parents so we would eat dinner every evening together , go to church every Sunday,have breakfast every weekend and travel together. We would go have our hair done together. We even used to celebrate our birthdays together because her birthday was June 16 and mine is June 15. She even passed on my birthday. Lord took her on my birthday day so I felt that she became my angel. I have beautiful memories so I try to carry on her traditions. Even my sister says ‘ you’re just like mom.’ I miss her so much that just writing this has me in tears. I hope and pray that I am making her proud. Mommy I love you so much.”

Priscilla Cervantes: “I love my Mother Katy. She is beautiful and kind! All my friends from HS said we want her to be our Mother too! Most of all… she taught us how to forgive and forget! God will do the rest she says! My Mother will be 87 this May 21st! We will wine and dine her.”

Tina Hickey: “In Judaism, every day is Mother’s Day, as it rightly should be.Your mother conceived you, she carried you for nine months and was probably nauseous most of that time,and, most likely, she raised you, fed you, cared for you when you were sick… The list goes on. Your appreciation should not be reserved for one day a year. Every day ought to celebrate your mother’s hard work; every day is the perfect day to let her know that you appreciate the life she gave you. So, Mother’s Day is great in principle, but the very fact that it is a once-a-year event shows that it is missing the point.”

Dr Patrick Liew: “Who can understand what a woman has to go through to be a mother? Labor pain is one of the worst pains in life. Mothers have to suffer through it to bring forth one of her own. That is but only the first part of an exciting and at times heart-wrenching journey. In bringing up a child, a mother has to put in all of her being. She cannot detach any part of her life from fulfilling her maternal care and duties. As a result, she can enjoy the peak of many emotional experiences. She may also have to endure the pits of many emotionally-draining exercises. Being a mother is not an easy task. If motherhood is a job, it’s one of the lowest paid hardest jobs. . It’s a job that requires them to be on standby, 24/7 to fulfill unpredictable needs. After childbirth, mothers serve “bosses” who cannot express their appreciation adequately. When the children are mature enough, they are often caught up with their studies or work. They don’t do or say enough to convey their gratitude to their mothers. Still, mothers continue their care and help without any expectation. They do not seek any recognition or reward. In performing their duties, mothers have to put on many hats, including taking on many challenging roles. They have to, at the same time, be a leader, teacher, mentor, coach, counselor, cheerleader, and friend. A mother’s true love is unconditional. It will never falter and is forever. In a way, I feel Mother’s Day is a misnomer. Every day should be Mother’s Day. There’s nothing we can ever do that can express enough of our gratitude and thankfulness to them. Mothers and grandmothers deserve all our love and appreciation. When you go out there to pursue your dream and goal, a part of that pursuit should be devoted to help meet your mothers’ dream and goal too. For all that your mother has done for you, you owe it to her to make every day of her life a safe, secure and happy one. Love her, honor her, and show your gratitude and appreciation to her. Please have a wonderful Mother’s Day celebration.”

Alex: “Mother’s Day, in my understanding, is a celebration that honors the essence of motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is a day to acknowledge and appreciate the myriad roles that mothers play in nurturing, guiding, and shaping the lives of their children and families. The significance of Mother’s Day lies in recognizing the selfless love, dedication, and sacrifices that mothers make, often without expecting anything in return.The origins of Mother’s Day can be traced back to ancient civilizations where mother goddesses were revered, but the modern holiday as we know it began in the early 20th century in the United States. It was Anna Jarvis who campaigned to make Mother’s Day a recognized holiday after the death of her own mother, an activist who cared for wounded soldiers and worked for peace. Today, Mother’s Day is celebrated in various parts of the world, though the dates and traditions may differ. Despite the commercialization that often surrounds the holiday, the true essence of Mother’s Day remains a heartfelt expression of gratitude towards mothers. It’s a day to pause from our busy lives and reflect on the profound impact mothers have on our personal development and on society at large. Mother’s Day also serves as a platform to advocate for social issues affecting mothers and families, such as childcare, maternal health, and women’s rights. It is a reminder of the strength and resilience of mothers and a call to action to support and empower them in all aspects of life.In essence, Mother’s Day is more than just a day for flowers and greeting cards; it’s a day of deep appreciation for the nurturing spirit of mothers and all they do to make the world a better place.”