There are almost 27 candidates running to be the new mayor of San Antonio. Who are you voting for and why? Let’s talk about it…
Andrew M. Anguiano: “I think this year we should have a talent show.”
Dorian Joel Castro: “I’m voting for my boy, Robert Salinas.”
William Cole Doggett: “I don’t keep up with SA but I visit on occasion and that city has gone to crap with all of the illegals and homeless and the mentally ill all over the streets. Hopefully SA gets a solid MAGA conservative that will clean up the mess and ignore the whining of the liberal bleeding hearts.”
Marco A Tovar: “I have my two heavy hitters! Lezzzz go San Anto.”
John Wiesen: “Christopher Reyes is a full blown MAGA.”
Kathy Vale: “On the backside of this Municipal Election, San Antonio needs to be intentional about raising the minimum bar to be able to file for City Council and ISD candidates. Right out of the gate, I believe one measure of eligibility should be proving you made the effort to VOTE in the previous two Municipal Elections and have resided IN THE DISTRICT a minimum of 4-5 years.”
Jeannette Hernandez: “I met Beto Altamirano. I was not impressed at all. He doesn’t know the issues on questions asked and also he is arrogant and not approachable. Henry Cisneros knew the issues when he was a candidate for Mayor.”
Travis Cox: “He’s somewhat impressive. But I saw him give an interview a few months ago, though I don’t remember the circumstances or when it was filmed…and I wasn’t that impressed.
I’d like to meet him and visit with him. I’ve heard good things about him.I’m probably going to vote for Rolando Pablos at this point, because he’s pro-business.But I’m open to changing…”
Derek Berry: “Cage match.”
Rob Clark: “I’ll vote strictly based on how fun it is to say their name. It’s gonna be a tight race.”
Maria Cantu Guerrero: “POS! I’m throwing my name in there as well.”
Darrell Parsons: “How is ballot placement decided? I certainly don’t like seeing Rolando Pablo’s at the top of that list. I think being at the top definitely has somewhat of an advantage, considering the number of candidates to choose from. I think if placement could be alternated by polling location, that would make it a little more fair.”
Le Reta Gatlin-McDavid: ‘The second one from the bottom!!!! Melissa Cabello Havrda!”
J.P. Ruiz: “The councilman is probably the best choice!”
Jennifer Shannon: “Manny Pelaez is anti-homeless & paints them all as addicts. He spent taxpayer money on banners to discourage people from giving to panhandlers.”
Margaret Mireles: “They forgot Santa Claus. Geez , so many!”
Lynne W. Perry: “There will certainly be a runoff, so who will the top two be?!?”
William Sibley: “Yikes! Everyone but Davy Crockett is running.”
John M Velasquez: “Let’s see if any one of them will say anything about the poor performance of Mayor Ron Nirenberg, the least popular mayor of any major US city.”
Gail Kedrus: “Oh my!”
Isunza Rodriguez: “Is there ONE site where we can read all of these people’s bios, their experience and their “promises”? There should be a limit as to how many hats are thrown in the ring!!!”
Iris Durán: “That means everyone needs to go to the polls because win/lose matters by a vote. And there will be a runoff.”
Jessica M. Anacker: “This is one way to even out the field.”
Lilly Ann Salinas: “Unless someone compels me otherwise; I’m voting GOJ.”
Jaime Chapa: “Gina Ortiz Jones.”
Liz Mendietta: “The only one I have ever met is Gina and that is who I am voting for.”
Cosmo Inserra: “Wild!”
Mary Nethery: “What a colossal ass pain making it difficult and time consuming to find your candidate.”