Parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding roles in life, but what happens when the relationship you worked so hard to nurture dissolves into silence? Many parents of grown children find themselves facing estrangement, often left wondering what went wrong. The pain of not hearing from your child, watching holidays go by without their presence, or not knowing how their lives are unfolding can be heartbreaking.But what led to this separation? Should you have done something differently, or is this distance actually what’s best for both sides? Let’s talk about it…

Lisa Denise Traspeña-Schexnayder: “This is the first time that I’m voicing myself. Last year in December, I kicked my son, his girlfriend and his friend out of my house that they were renting. Mind you ,they weren’t being charged what I should have charged. We moved from the house so they can have somewhere to live but with the understanding that he(my son) would treat and take care of the house like it’s his. Long story short…. I still had my personal items in the garage so I went one Sunday afternoon to get what I needed only to find my front door broken, and to find out they were growing herbal stuff in the house which I do not agree with. No matter what type of drugs it is, I will not tolerate it. So I threw them out and he has not talked to me since. It breaks my heart but I did what I did because I do not agree with the lifestyle he wants so he can do it elsewhere and not in my house. Maybe one day he will grow up( he’s 25) and realize that he was wrong.”

Chris R. Pelayo: “I’ve heard of families becoming estranged because they support Donald Trump. The TDS crowd seems to be the ones doing the estranging. I support Trump but I’ve not viewed those who don’t as bad or deplorable. I’m absolutely certain he’s the best choice and that she is absolutely not, but I’m ok with friends & loved ones who choose differently than I do. I think they’re certainly misguided, misinformed, or just plain wrong but I’m not gonna let it wreck my relationship with friends & family. But I have had some that want little to do with me because I’m “one of those people”. lol.”

Ramon Chapa Jr.: “The ex turns them against you. That’s the reason, you dump them or divorce them. Now you are happy. The ex knows your children make you happy so they get revenge by turning them against you. At that point, all you can do is pray for them.”
Raymond Castellano: “Key word is “grown”, they made their own decision, just respect it.”

Benjamin Godina: “Peace over stress.”

Jazmin D Zuñiga: “No one belongs to anyone, especially the people we birth… we are free to do whatever we want! I am capable of letting anyone walk out of my life if they don’t want to be in it!! Self-Love & self- respect should always be on our minds… if you can’t respect and you want to leave, bye bye. I keep my children in my prayers daily and that’s all I can do. I have nothing but love for them & anyone who walks away, life is just that, love, learn, live and let live! Everyone comes into our life to teach us something, make the best of it and don’t allow yourself to be bitter or to point fingers.”

Rick Carter: “Alcohol destroys families, friendships, your bones, your immunity, causes legal and emotional problems, leads to terminal dementia (as in our family), Oh, and your liver.. it’s the last thing to go. If alcohol is destroying your family… Just Stop.”

Fred Potter: “I divorced their mother and remarried a year later.”