Photo of front cover provided by photojournalist, historian, author, archivist and curator Ramon Hernandez. After a 23-year career in the U.S. Navy, this former Chief Petty Officer, who worked in Navy Intelligence returned to his hometown. Since then, he has dedicated his life to documenting the history of Mexican American music in Texas. Above all, he wants to put San Antonio on the map when he realizes a Latino/Hispanic/Chicano entertainment archives for everyone to learn about this genre’s history through exhibits, a library of books on Hispanic music and its bands and vocalists, listening stations of digitized recording, a video/file viewing room, plus conduct seminars, webinars, panel discussions and most importantly pass on his knowledge to young open minds before his passing.

Sculpture by Joe R. Villarreal — Born and still living in San Antonio, he has been creating art since the age of three. He has created and has been recognized for many of the cultural pieces he has painted. Some of his paintings were part of the PBS special, “The Mexican Americans” that aired in August 2000. One of his paintings was converted into a cartoon image which was used on “King of the Hill,” a national tv show. Some of Mr. Villarreal’s work includes a painting that is 6′ x 15′ feet and was created for the halls of the new Texas A&M University in San Antonio. He was asked to paint a portrait of Mayor Ed Garza which has been added to the “Hall of Mayors” at City Hall in San Antonio. “El Papalote” and “El Trompo”, the new sculptures serve as a visual gateway for people moving in and out of downtown and encourages exploration of the city’s Westside. Both artworks celebrate the people who define the unique character of our city. The kite (papalote) features a folded La Prensa Texas newspaper – the first and oldest bilingual publication in the state of Texas (established in 1913). The vintage top (trompo) is shown as if in motion with the string wound