In a significant political development, President Joe Biden has officially announced his decision to step down as the Democratic nominee for the upcoming election. In a heartfelt statement, Biden expressed his “full support and endorsement” of Vice President Kamala Harris, signaling a pivotal moment for the Democratic Party. What are your views on Biden’s presidency? Do you think his policies have positively impacted the country? How do you feel about Kamala Harris stepping into the role of the Democratic nominee? Let’s talk about it…

William Beckwith: “The 25th amendment should have been invoked . Biden hasn’t been of sound mind for some time. Shame on those that have used Biden for their personal benefit.”

Chris Castillo: “President Biden has served our country well. He has been a man that truly loves his country and always did what was best for it. I am a proud American and proud that he continues to put his country first. As Democrats we must rally, unite and push forward to a victory in November.”

Laurie Wilde Piccolo: “This administration is a complete failure! Inflation, immigration, he is an embarrassment to our country.”

Dahlia Basaldua Garcia: “Biden is a true American who has served our country for 50+ years. I would love to see a HarrisObama ticket.”

Bruce Melville: “Let’s push out the guy everyone voted for and then shout about how our democracy is in danger… The Democrats are a complete joke. It’s a shame what they have done to Joe Biden. They hid his decline from day one. I felt sorry for him TBH.”

Queta Rodriguez: “ I’m so grateful for President Joe Biden’s service to our country and respect him even more for putting our nation’s interests ahead of his own. That’s real, selfless servant leadership.At face value, he deserves another presidency based on his historic accomplishments, from infrastructure, climate action, job creation, veterans issues, and the steady hand leading us out of the pandemic, just to name a few. Quite frankly I am so disappointed in some Democratic leaders who have treated him so unfairly. The concerns are legitimate and I believe we should be able to have healthy, frank conversations about what’s best for the country, but some elected officials displayed a total lack of respect and professionalism. He deserved better.I will say that I am proud of us for having more loyalty to our country than to an individual. It’s time to move forward and to be honest, I think there are many people out there like me who have been disenchanted who are newly excited to see the possibility of having a strong, smart, talented woman (and maybe two!) at the top of the ticket, especially at a time when women’s rights have been rolled backward. More to follow on why those of you who didn’t like your previous choices for President should feel a sense of hope with Vice President Kamala Harris. Thank you, Mr. President, for displaying true leadership and for all you have done for the American people.”

Jon Ma: “He was a failure which cost the country so much deficit in a single term.”

Tara Heaney: “These are the same people that were trying to convince us a month ago that he was at the top of his game. If their lips are moving they’re lying.”

Margie Mora Delatorre: “Absolutely! President Biden is a great man who (has again) put our country before himself. I wish him and his family all the best. Now it is truly time for us to unite and stand for the betterment of our country. We need to unite and back Kamala Harris. We need to make sure that we stand and protect our country. We all need to Vote blue, for ourselves, for our children and grandchildren.”

Sheila Solowynsky: “The foreign countries will mop the floor up with Kamala.”

Walter Lewis Herbeck: “Mexico has just elected a Lady as their President. Now the USA should follow.”

Jason Compean: “Lots of respect for President Biden for being a true public servant leader of the people. We must commend him for the many accomplishments and principled actions throughout his career before and while being our president. .
We must now unite and chose wisely, as time is of the essence, and personally any democratic party decision should include very strong consideration for choosing Mark Kelly as a pick for this ticket considering his personal background and loyalties, his political service to then state of Arizona and the US, right along with his honorable and decorated military and astronaut career. Choosing Kelly would create a winning ticket that would send the clear message from our party to the people of what type of behavior and leadership a righteous and virtuous public servant should live by and raise the bar of what it means to be a “True Patriot” juxtaposed with the republican Trump/Vance ticket whom clearly is aspiring to use their private sector wealth/foreign adversary meddling, bigotry and a military training and service background as a door into realizing the authoritarian aspiration of becoming the American domestic enemy of the people and a realized threat to our freedoms and constitution for all of humanity serving as the Trojan Horse from within. We need real “Oath Keepers”to bring and maintain a strong and democratically principled leadership to our country.We must resist politically and rise up to vote against the tyranny and authoritarianism sought by the right and their despotic Russian/North Korean government allies. We must break long standing barriers and ceilings and restore integrity, accountability, transparency and equality to every branch of our government.”

Luis Guerra: “La grandeza de un líder se mide en anteponer sus intereses personales por la del bienestar de su pueblo, mis respetos para el señor presidente Biden, te mando un fuerte abrazo mi querida amiga.”

Catherine Dailey: “For almost 4 years and never a peep from her, and now she thinks she’s got the balls to run this country? Oh Lordy, ahhh nope.”

Sana Sana: “Totally agree, but it’s time for Trump to regain leadership and make his country great again . It was great while it lasted for the Democrats. New beginnings are always welcomed. Both of them are great leaders, truthful and loyal to their country.
Land of the Free.”

Peggy Morris-Vele: “If anyone believes that, then they’re crazy because he’s done nothing but put us in the worst situation in the whole world in the last four years.”

Ilya Klotsman: “Not one word about her plans for the better future of our country, only attacking Trump.”