Stock Markets Hit Another Historic High! And 2024 Travel Has Also Broken Records #ThankYouJoe What do you think of this post? Has this positive change affected you? Let’s talk about it…
John Saint John: “I say Show us ‘The receipt Proof’ Not the new york times paper for proof because they are full of shit not the wall Street journal they are full of shit as well.Prove the validation of this claim.”

Kenneth Raymond: “It’s BS! Fake news! If record high it’s because Biden made it drop so low that any pops up it’s a high! Like his son snorting cocaine on airforce one! Hahahahaha We are in record numbers of the weakest economy ever recorded! Prices of everything we buy has tripled since Trump was out of office and that’s the truth. I believe anything the news says because they lied. During the debate they kept saying they fact checked Trump and not once did they ever tell Harris that at all.”

Christopher Mora: “All the stocks in my portfolio have record gains. At this rate I’ll be able to completely stop working 5 to 10 years earlier than I planned.”

Robert Vasquez: “If you’re not a millionaire it doesn’t matter lol just a fact.”

John Saint John: “I’ll say this so no one gets me wrong. The most important thing in this Lifetime is not money nor good nor Stock market. Anything else has any Values other than what Humans put on them. Life itself has absolute Value. Nothing is more important than one’s Life. Don’t twist it up..”

David Trujillo Arriaga: “Exactly, thanks Joe Biden!”

Frank Burton: “The economy is more than the stock market, which shows gains for many greedy corporations which are outpacing gains of the average middle class faced with high rent and food prices due to the high profits of these companies. Overall the economy is robust, we just need to stop the greed so it levels out. Grocery store profits now vs then screams at what’s going on. Basic necessities should be safeguarded for the benefit of the entire country. My opinion anyway from what I see anyway.”

Beto Medrano: “They are true facts. We had the best Labor Day weekend in sales since 2020.”

Jeremy Harper: “Gas is down too.”

Morris Helton: “People are making money and are going here and there. How bad is it really? It’s a basic principle of economics supply and demand. When there’s no money there’s no demand as simple as that.”

Barb Simmons: “Awesome for Markets!”

Lando Chidike: “Joe is somewhere sleep he ain’t even our president.”

Jeannifer Bustle: “Not for small business owners. We have not been able to travel since they have been in office. With increasing cost of living it is rough.”

Belinda McDowell: “Absolutely, stores. restaurants, Venues airports are packed. Just got back from vacation and am planning another.”

Quin Bates: “Can hardly afford to buy groceries for a family of three. Working full time! Thanks Joe.”

Sheryl LaVette: “And yet people who support Trump will still swear the economy is better under him, when the facts say differently, on jobs created, job loss, etc…”

Tabitha Steele ”I work for a vacation club in Myrtle Beach and we have been sold out almost the entire year! People have money!!!!”

Dawn Stifano: “It’s all smoke and mirrors! The middle class is hitting hard times and honestly it’s getting worse every day for people!Kevin L. Bolling But the economy is struggling though, those Trump people believe everything that man says even though we have numbers to prove otherwise!”

Evelyn Thomas: “”Wow, that’s awesome news about the stock market hitting another historic high! And it’s exciting to hear about the 2024 travel records too! #thank you joe”

Brandy Aikens: “This is definitely something that happens every 4 years around election time. Let’s just forget about those affected by the cold increase that keeps the hardest working people at home, and the lack of economic growth due to jobs created in this time frame…”

Marl N Rench Reyes: “People just wanted to spend their last pennies to travel and relax…to feel and convinced themselves that they can still afford to travel and have vacation even though the reality is they go bankrupt because of the continuous rocketing prices of houses and groceries, commodities!!!! Let us face reality folks!!!! People want to spend even though those are the last pennies they have.”

Katina Lynn: “People need to stop lying to themselves and everyone else. It’s a mess. Live in the truth.”

Darnell Mayfield: “Food is at all time high. The auto industry is about to see major job cuts. The cost for housing is at all-time high.”

Maureen Yearty: “Travel is not going anywhere. It will be a Trillion Dollar Industry in less than 5 yrs. One of the reasons I started my travel business.”

Slic Nic: “Only The SLOW don’t know! They think that other guy did sooo good.”