The internet has profoundly transformed many aspects of human life. In a world without it, acts of kindness, such as helping children on the street, would likely stem from genuine compassion rather than the desire for social media recognition. Similarly, an artist’s rise to fame would depend on the quality of their music rather than heavy promotion by a major record label on social platforms.Unfortunately, the internet has also been a conduit for various negative influences within our communities. Today, people can gain notoriety for almost anything, which can lead to undesirable outcomes. Without the internet, the world might be more peaceful, and individuals could find joy in living life without the constant need for public validation. Do you agree or disagree? Let’s talk about it… #letstalkaboutit
Jayy Freedom: “More social media, not the internet. The internet is fine, Social media is a toilet. Just corrupt people who can’t behave themselves, spewing their venom at other people. You know, that’s all you see, all over.”
Matthew Butler: “ I agree that people should be valued for their contributions to society and overall merit and character as a human being. I don’t believe removing access to the world wide web will change the way people come to be falsely or truly judged. The removal of the Internet will merely take away some people’s access to pertinent and relevant information that they wouldn’t ordinarily have access to. Then if a person genuinely wants to pursue learning about something, they would have to go through channels of yesteryear to pursue that knowledge. Which probably means attending some kind of overpriced and archaic form of education like colleges that aren’t accessible to everyone. The lack of access to educational material spreads ignorance and further accentuates the inequities of the world as a whole.”
Cherie Woolard: “I agree. I am sure it adds to people’s mental health issues and there is no good old real conversation with anyone, it’s all online. Bullying prevention is key but hard. There is also another thing- so many suicides are due to the internet. I am glad it wasn’t around when I was a teen; omg some of the things I did. I certainly wouldn’t like it to be shared with the world.
Block it for people with mental health issues and for anyone under 21 yrs.”
Angie Pangie: “Totally agree.The internet is the worst thing that happened to us. Everything from education to jobs have been affected by the internet and I believe it will kill us and this planet eventually.”
Edna Hamilton: “I grew up in the sixties and seventies before the internet back when kids had to go outside to find other kids to play with. We’d stay outside playing for hours; back before school shootings and the diseases of mental illnesses and drug addiction. We had to go to stores to buy albums or eight tracks. The only influencers there were the local stores. Almost all the adults worked. It was just a much better time – love, peace,no war, hippies and flower children.”
Paul Ferris: “The internet messed the world up. I’d rather go back to just playing outside and being normal. People these days, not just kids, grown ups too, live off the cloud. They think just because they got a little fame on the internet, they’re somebody. That’s not true. The Internet messes people’s lives up. People don’t know how to be normal no more because of the internet. People live off attention and validation instead of intention. So yes I agree. Take away social media. The internet has the world at its worst.”
Bmacker Major: “For me, I wouldn’t be able to share my music. It’s a blessing and a curse, the internet.”
Lisa Rollinson: “Back when family was family,before and after marriage.”
Janelle Hosford: “Social media seems to have become a bashing place for anyone and everything that we don’t like. People’s lives are being ruined over it. Jobs are being lost, relationships ruined etc. How can this be rectified though?”
Brent Elder: “Bingo! The internet messed everything up as we knew it. Everything!! Life is hell nowadays. I lived in the 90s. Trust me. I know exactly how things were before the internet came along and turned everything upside down. The internet should only be for researching things. That is it. There should be absolutely no online shopping and certainly no social media.”
Paris Dylan Lee Jackson: “I would remove social/adult services. Sites that encourage abusing battering bruising murdering raping,selling – child / trafficking our kids should be banned. These sites run 24/7 for money. Billions of children abused. This industry is global. It’s absolutely disgusting beyond belief. Thank the internet for that.”