Back in the day, activists were often arrested for protesting. It is now known they would be arrested or harassed because they were known activists. When their stories are told, we do not focus on their arrest but their struggle and fight for justice. Nowadays, if you have been arrested for anything, your chances for public office or any affiliations with public office are down the drain. Should someone’s past define them forever? if someone’s been arrested does that make you want to have little affiliation with them? Do you believe people can change and learn from their mistakes? Let’s talk about it…

Mary Svetlik Watkins:
“It depends on what you did. We all do dumb things but child molestation, abuse, and murder shouldn’t be forgotten.”

Santiago Tello:
“That no longer applies. Look how many ne’er-do-wells are running for president in the communist party. Beto comes to mind.”

Armando Cantu:
“Yes they can change, most people judge you for your mistakes like they don’t have any.”

Javier Torres:
“Mistakes are decisions one makes or has made in their lives or paths. It is factual, thus carries along with you for life. No white-out can cover it up, you made that decision and must live with it. Sorry, I didn’t make the rules. If one changes, the changes do not apply to those previous choices and decisions one makes, you still have to live with your past decisions. Again, factual!”

Troy Rodriguez:
“The only one is God.”

Pablo Peruvia:
“People judge. Employers definitely judge in Texas. Fourteen states have passed laws that require employers to postpone background checks until the later stages of the hiring process. The new policy is a matter of fairness and a way to strengthen the state’s economy by expanding the pool of workers. It is called “ban the box.”

Penelope Perez:
“Everything is illegal. Say the wrong thing and the right cop will arrest you. Do the wrong thing and the right cop will arrest you. Be around the wrong people and the right cop will arrest you. I have been arrested for protesting before. I have also been arrested for throwing a dance party. I thought it was my right, but it turned out to be my wrong #justicereform.”