FREE virtual workshop about caring for your documents, photos and memories Saturday, March 13, 2021, 11am
The Museo del Westside, and the Esperanza Peace and Justice Community Archives are sponsoring a series of three workshops to share knowledge that will support the community in learning the basics of preserving family and community history. In the “Historias...
Temple Grandin to Discuss ‘Learning Differently’ in Virtual Presentation Hosted by St. Philip’s College This Friday
St. Philip’s College will host Dr. Temple Grandin, a well-known animal behavior scientist and autism self-advocate, in a virtual Zoom presentation this Friday, February 12, 2021, from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Temple Grandin, who was diagnosed with autism as a child, will...
San Antonio Education Partnership to award $2.1 million in scholarships
The San Antonio Education Partnership (SAEP) is seeking applicants for their annual scholarship. Graduating seniors currently attending one of the 31 partnering high schools are encouraged to apply. The student must be enrolled full-time at a local participating...
St. Mary’s University appoints New Greehey School of Business Dean
St. Mary’s University today named Rowena Ortiz-Walters, Ph.D., Dean of the St. Mary’s University Greehey School of Business. Ortiz-Walters comes to St. Mary’s from SUNY Plattsburgh, a public liberal arts college that is part of the State University of New York (SUNY)...
Saisd Implementa Pruebas Generalizadas Para La Iniciativa Covid-19
San Antonio ISD está implementando tres programas de pruebas COVID-19 para su comunidad escolar, lo que lo ubica entre los distritos con la mayor cantidad de pruebas gratuitas disponibles para sus constituyentes. Esta semana, una de esas iniciativas, una colaboración...
Los votantes de SAISD aprueban un bono histórico de $ 1.3 mil millones que tendrá un impacto en cada campus Dos propuestas, una para la construcción y otra para la tecnología, cambiarán la cara de Saisd para las generaciones venideras
En un momento crucial para el Distrito Escolar Independiente de San Antonio, los votantes aprobaron dos propuestas de bonos que tendrán un gran impacto, impulsando aún más la calidad del aprendizaje en los campus de todo el Distrito. • La Propuesta A totaliza $ 1.21...
Jefferson High School Lanza Esports Como Una Opción Extracurricular Para Estudiantes Las Universidades Ahora Ofrecen Millones De Dólares En Becas De Esports
El maestro de San Antonio ISD, Robby Hernandez, ha jugado videojuegos, desde Mario Kart hasta Super Smash Brothers, desde que era un niño., ahora profesor de ciencias de la computación en Jefferson High School,Hernándezeste año escolar está aprovechando la pasión de...
Edgewood High School Walkouts of ‘68
By Isa Fernández Isa Fernández, MPA is a Legacy Corridor Business Alliance Program Manager at Westside Development Corporation, a freelance photographer and peace and justice advocate. The time was set for nearly 3,000 Edgewood High School students - 9:20 AM on Thurs-...
The First Minor to be Accepted Into A Post-Graduate Program at Harvard
By Javier Rojas At the age of 13, Mexican-born teenager Dafne Almazán had already become the youngest psychologist in the world. That alone would give you a reason to pause and marvel at her accomplishments. However, Almazán has made history once again for her...
Alamo Colleges District Launches Alamo Online
By Kay C. Hendricks This month, the Alamo Colleges District literally rolled out its new online college initiative, complete with a VIA bus on site, emblazoned with an ad promoting AlamoONLINE—College When and Where You Want It. “In our efforts to make a college...