I am so grateful for Facebook. I have been able to keep up with friends, family and business associates. The world of social media has expanded business marketing. It has changed everything we do and how we do it. I just had a friend tell me her marriage is over; it’s Facebook’s fault. Has Facebook affected your marriage or your relationship? How has social media changed your life? Let’s talk about it…

Yvette Elizabeth:
“Your friend may not see it now but besides social media and old friends, the light will shine and she will realize there were more reasons why the marriage ended. I didn’t see it then either. Now I see how unhealthy, unhappy our marriage was and how unhappy I was. I am so much better off. I found myself again. Enjoy life! The grass isn’t always greener! Like stepdaughter says, he left luxury for crack. That right there makes me feel good.”

Rebecca Perez:
“Facebook is not the cause of their marriage ending. Facebook is an excuse. He is the cause of the marriage ending by making the choices he has made.”

Joann Laque:
“I once saw a post of a lady looking for an old boyfriend. He was a good guy but she was not ready to settle down. So after 15 years, she found him on Facebook. He was married and had a family. Long story short, he reunited with her and left his family. Go figure.”

Rosie Gonzalez:
“You can stand at the “mic” and send out a message to the masses (free), but you cannot believe what you see or read . . . corroboration is needed on almost all non-personal posts and lots of personal posts from individuals posing as someone they are not, living lives they do not live.”

Leonor Abell:
“I get to stay close to my family from out of town.”

Carmen Madariaga:
“ As a PRO-LIFE activist social media has accelerated my ability to research, fact check, and collect data. It has also broadened my ability to reach a larger group of women seeking to advise, support, and help referrals. As well as connecting me with many like-minded groups. Social media, like most things in life can be used for good or bad. It can be a tool or a weapon. It’s all up to the integrity, and motive of the user.

Beverly Brooks:
“I think it’s a great platform, like you said, to stay in touch with people that you otherwise may not “see” regularly. However, all too often we fail to remember that people are only posting what they want others to see. That leads many people to constantly compare themselves with these personas that aren’t real and/or they aren’t the whole picture. One could argue that it is part of the increase in mental disorders like depression and anxiety along with an increase in (online) bullying- though that’s a whole other can of worms. To answer your question, you already know this from me, I love social media- but for the purpose of entertainment. I’m glad I can make people laugh and like you, I’m glad that I feel connected to friends and family, even if I’m just in the background watching. I just wish people wouldn’t take it too seriously! I also wish that people would remember some etiquette- how we would treat people in real life (Golden Rules) should apply here. I don’t constantly want others’ opinions (not when they can’t say so in a way that doesn’t bash me). Sometimes it’s as simple as it’s MY page and I’m posting what I believe, agree with, find funny, disagree with, etc- it doesn’t always mean I want an argument; nor does it mean I welcome unsolicited opinions. I can’t post about liver and onions because everyone and their mother has to chime in on how gross they think it is (yes, as simple as what I had for lunch). Well, I wouldn’t go to someone’s house and tell them that, right? We’ve all seen instances where people literally lose friendships over politics because of this kind of entitlement. It’s social media, no more, no less. I do my best to try to remember that. Anyway, there are my thoughts… That and a buck-oh-eight will get me a coke at McDonald’s.