LatestConsejos prácticos para adultos mayores: cómo cuidar el corazón y disfrutar de una vida más larga y saludable
Por Evan Jacobs, M.D. Vicepresidente Asociado de Especialidades Médicas Febrero es el mes de la...
LatestAstros Y Yankees Toman La Delantera
Astros de Pedro Espinoza logró victoria de 10 por 9 carreras ante su duro rival Los Rojos del...
Let's Talk About It
LatestNew San Antonio Mayor
There are almost 27 candidates running to be the new mayor of San Antonio. Who are you voting for...
Just a Thought
LatestEl Circo Estadounidense
Artículo Opinión Jesús Antonio Fernández Olmedo ¿ De qué tipo de elecciones estamos hablando ? ¿De...
Outstanding Hispanics
LatestMy Interview with Doña Emma Tenayuca
During the 1990s, I served as Chairman of the Oral History Committee for the Bexar County...
LatestUniquely Us: A Powerful Exhibit for Our Families and Future Generations
Courtesy of Henrietta Burress San Antonio’s DoSeum is doing something special for our community...
Dr. Ricardo Romo

Un comentario latino: Biden-Harris es el boleto soñado
Por Ricardo Romo, PhD Traducido por LPT Joe Biden hizo historia con su selección de Kamala Harris como su compañera de fórmula. Como la prim- era mujer negra y asiática en unirse a la lista electoral más alta del país, agrega fuerza al equipo político dada la...

Acereros Vs Potros Por El Campeonato Del Playoff
Con la victoria dé Acereros (cuarto lugar) ante Pericos (primer lugar de temporada 2024), en el tercer partido con pizarra de 8-3 y victoria para el derecho venezolano Diego Dugarte, ante Juan Pablo de la Rosa y el relevista Daniel Rincón. Se jugará la final del...
Let’s Talk About It

Latino Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving for us Latinos is a vibrant mix of two worlds. Los nuestras mayores (older folks) share stories of their homeland while reminding us to appreciate our American roots. Los jóvenes (young folks) introduce them to the latest gadgets and ideas, creating a...
Just a Thought
I Ain’t Done Yet Retired Living in San Antonio
For over nine years I have been writing, “Just a Thought” and “Ask the Judge.” I will be adding a new dimension, columns that focus on “Ain’t done yet.” In talking to La Prensa Texas VP Yvette Tello, she suggested I write about living at Madison Estates where I am now...
Outstanding Hispanics

Ricardo Montalban (1920-2009)
Known by fans throughout the world for his beautiful baritone voice, Ricardo Montalban has been in the forefront of film and television. Perhaps best known for his portrayal of Mr. Roarke on “Fantasy Island,” Montalban was a famed actor in Mexico prior to signing a...

Palo Alto College Dental Clinic Opens To The Public for Spring 2025 January 22 through May 9
Palo Alto College’s Dental Hygiene Clinic opens its doors to the community for the Spring 2025 semester, providing dental hygiene care services through the faculty supervised- student clinic. Located within the Rio Grande Building (41), the clinic is fully operational...